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CT03A0Mio:  Ah, %001...%001:  Hi, Mio.Mio:  Is anything wrong?%001:  No, I just wanted to ask you... Do you know
how to dance?Mio:  Um, a little.%001:  Would you teach me?Mio:  Me? Sure, I'll do it.%001:  Thanks. Let's go..............................................
;AE_035Mio's teaching me how to dance.When I told her I didn't know how to dance, I was telling
the truth.I just never had the chance to learn.I always thought it was something you could pick up
without any special lessons, but I was wrong.Mio's a good teacher.She's teaching me how to dance.Mio:  %001, you have to pay attention to your feet!%001:  Oh, sorry.If I stare at her, she'll get angry again.I've got to do it casually.After I learn how to dance, I'll waste time looking at
the other people.%001:  I'm sorry, Mio.Mio:  Don't worry about it!Mio:  Okay, not, try doing this...%001:  Is this right?Mio:  Yes, that's good.%001:  Thanks, Mio.Mio:  Why are you thanking me? I'm not done teaching you
yet.%001:  Oh, you're right.I don't have time for that.Mio:  No, that's wrong. Try your left foot this way.%001:  Is this right? 
(I don't know what the hell I'm doing.)Mio:  Yes, that's good. You're really a fast learner.%001:  Really? 
(How is what I'm doing now different from what I was just
doing?)Mio:  Yes, you're great. Oops, that's wrong...%001:  Um, is this right? 
(I don't know what she wants me to do!)Mio:  That's right!%001:  .................................I don't understand dancing!Mio:  You're great, %001!%001:  ....Of course, ha ha. 
(I don't know what she's so happy about...)Mio:  Okay, let's try the next step.%001:  Hey, this is really easy.....Whoops!*CRASH*%001:  Ouch.Mio:  .....%001, are you alright?%001:  Yes, I'm fine. I wonder what happened back there.Mio:  Next, try this.%001:  Is this right?*SLIP*Mio:  Oh! Be careful, %001!%001:  ....Not again!Almost falling, I managed to grab ahold of Mio at the last
moment.%001:  That was dangerous. I almost went down again.Mio:  %001...My face was just an inch away from Mio's.There was a silence. And then I moved away from her.%001:  .....Well, l- let's get on with the dance lessons.Mio:  ......Okay.Mio:  You're almost perfect!%001:  Really? I don't know about that.Mio:  You're still a little wobbly, but you've improved
a lot.*SMASH*%001:  Ouch!Mio:  .....%001, are you doing that on purpose?%001:  No, I'm not...................................................Thanks to Mio I was soon able to dance with the other
dancers.Although Mio was helping me quite a bit.Mio:  %001, you're really a fast learner.%001:  I couldn't do any of this on my own. It's all
because you're leading me, keeping me from making
mistakes.%001:  .....I'm going to do my best to finish the evening
without falling anymore.Mio:  That's good......In the silver moonlight, Mio and I danced and
danced.I'll never forget that moonlit night.....................................................ИВВВВВCS901.OVL