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Kyoko:  Kyoko Kobayashi, bottle number forty-one!Kyoko:  .........*GLUG GLUG*Kyoko:  .............Ah! Delicious!All:  Oh my god!To the shock of everyone, Kyoko continues to drink.A new bottle instantly in front of her, she goes to open it.
<AE_044She's incredible. You'd think she's have liver problems
or something...It's December 24th, Christmas Eve. The day we all waited
so long for.The Christmas Party has been going on in the empty school
for seven hours so far.He's fighting with Aki again.This time he's wearing some costume from an anime show.I don't watch that show, so I'm not really sure, but he
looks pretty good to me.Every time I look at him he's getting his ass kicked by Aki.She's pouring herself some beer.She's really learned to hold her liquor in the past year.Now she's singing.*guzzle guzzle**hic*Hey, don't drink so much, Reiko!She's looking at Kyoko-sensei with worry on her face.She doesn't need to worry, though. Kyoko-sensei's fine.Kiyomi's doing some card tricks now.Is she looking at me?She's looking at Makoto now.I wonder if she's rooting for him?Mio's trying to dribble a ping pong ball now.Her record is 215 times. She looks like she's having fun.She's good at things like that.She's in the corner, talking to Seia and Meimi.So Ruri's really leaving...?Ruri even performed something for the class.Well, she sang one karaoke song. She was pretty good. I'd
never heard the song before, and it made quite an impression
on me.I'm sure I'll remember the song whenever I think of her
in the future.....................................................................I can't believe she's leaving.When she first came to this school, she never used to
talk to the other students like she does now.She's using Makoto as a punching bag again, as usual.They're always fighting.This time Aki's trying to dribble a ping pong ball better
than Mio did.She's a tough one.She's talking with Meimi and Ruri in the corner.I'm hope she doesn't start drinking.Seia was the first one to get up and sing karaoke tonight.She was a hymn, and her voice was really beautiful.She's the worst when it comes to drinking.She's talking in the corner with Seia and Ruri.She hasn't gotten drunk since the day we went flower
viewing.Now she's playing koto for everyone.I never knew she could play. Such a classical Japanese 
instrument doesn't fit her character all that much.....if Seia starts drinking, I hope Meimi'll be there to
calm her down.She's drinking sake out of a rice bowl.I think I've seen that pose more than I've seen her
teach, this past year.        She just performed for us. It wasn't exactly what you could
call a performance, however.  She loves her sake.%001:  Well, guess I'll try my hand...All:  Yay!%001:  First, I will use an everyday ordinary deck of cards.
...And a large daicon radish.
%001:  I put the radish here.%001:  Then I walk away, one, two, three... Ten steps away.%001:  I'm now about five meters away from the radish.
%001:  I take the cards... And shuffle them like this.%001:  I'm now ready to show you my trick.
%001:  .......................Here it is!I suddenly threw the cards into the air.The cards fly through the air like sakura petals.%001:  ........*pant pant*..... As they fall, I race to get
the daicon radish, then return.*THUNK!* *THUNK!* *THUNK!*
*THUNK!* *THUNK!* *THUNK!* *THUNK!* *THUNK!*All:  .......................As everyone gazed in amazement, I swung the daicon around in
the air, impaling the cards in the surface of the soft
radish.%001:  .........Well?Reiko:  .......W
Kiyomi:  ......O
Mio:  .........W!All:  Yaaaay!!Kyoko:  ....Wow, you caught all the cards in mid-air, before
they fell!Makoto:  That's not all, Sensei! The cards are all arranged
in order along the daicon. That's why he's my best friend!%001:  Well, I'm glad you liked it.And so...The last party of the year for our class came to an end.CS903.OVL