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<Turn left... Oh, here it is.It says 'Shinfuji' right on the mailbox.Damn, I'm getting nervous.But it's just Kiyomi, the girl you see every day at school.
There's no reason to be nervous.Well, I can't stand out here all night. I'll better ring
the bell.*DING DONG*Kiyomi will come out, and it'll be just like we were in
She's not coming out.Maybe she didn't hear? No, that doesn't seem possible.Maybe she changed her mind about me coming over.No, that's not possible, either.Hmm, should I ring the bell again?What should I do?I guess I'll ring the bell again.She might not have heard it. Or she might even be sleeping,
tired out from the party.Let's try it again...*kacha* 
CT02RA0Kiyomi:  %001?When I moved to ring the bell again, the door suddenly
opened, and Kiyomi was standing there.%001:  Kiyomi!Kiyomi:  I'm sorry for frightening you. Please come in.%001:  Okay, thanks.%001:  You're awfully sweaty. What's wrong?Kiyomi:  Mm? Oh, it's nothing. Hohohoho!%001:  Oh, okay.
CT02A0I guess I'll wait.She must have heard me the first time....................................What's happening?*kacha*  
CT02RA0Kiyomi:  %001?%001:  Oh, hi, Kiyomi.%001:  What's wrong? Why are you out of breath?Kiyomi:  Oh, it's nothing. Hohohoho!%001:  Okay.Kiyomi:  Please come in.%001:  Oh, thanks.
CT02A0She seems out of breath.What's going on?She seems nervous.Maybe it's because I'm nervous?This is Kiyomi's room.The design is very simple and functional, just like
Kiyomi herself.But there are stuffed animals and other cute things, too.
Just like a girl.The books all seem to be really difficult.Well, that's to be expected. Kiyomi is one of the top
students in my class.Oh, there's a romance novel.Kiyomi:  What's the matter?%001:  Oh, nothing.       
CT02A0Kiyomi had taken away the dishes, and now we were watching
television together.It was a mushy love story.To tell you the truth, I don't like dramas like this.But Kiyomi seems to be interested in it, and it is her
house.Kiyomi:  I love this story.%001:  Ah, me too.Opps! Now I'm a liar!Kiyomi:  ..........She's so interested in the TV show she didn't even hear
what I said..................................       
CT02R   ;
CT02RA0.................................The show we're watching is drawing to a romantic happy
ending.It's making me think of Kiyomi in ways that are more than
a little dangerous...I look and see that Kiyomi's face is as red as mine.Kiyomi slowly turns to face me.Kiyomi:  ........%001.%001:  ...........Kiyomi...........................................We both slowly move towards each other.I put my hands on her shoulders.I wonder if she can feel my hands shaking.Slowly, I bring Kiyomi near me.And then.......Shinji:  Kiyomi! I'm home!Kiyomi:  !!%001:  !!What the hell??With incredible speed, Kiyomi and I move away from each
other just as Shinji enters the room.       
CT02A0Shinji:  Hi, Kiyomi. Oh, hello, %001.%001:  Hi, Shinji.Kiyomi:  Y- You're home early.Shinji:  Yeah.%001:  Oh, Shinji, I forgot. This is a Christmas present
for you.Shinji:  For me? Gee, thanks!Kiyomi:  You're so nice, %001, to bring something for him.%001:  Oh, it's nothing. I'm glad I was able to give it
to him myself.Shinji:  Thanks. I'll keep it forever.Kiyomi:  You silly boy.%001:  Well, I guess I should be going.Shinji:  Already? I wish I'd come home earlier.%001:  Well, we'll play catch later.Shinji:  Okay, thanks!%001:  Well, I'll see you later, Shinji.Shinji:  Thanks, %001.Kiyomi:  I'll walk you out.%001:  No, it's okay. It's late.Kiyomi:  Yes, but...%001:  I'm fine by myself.%001:  Well, bye!
<...............................Sweating from my embarrassment, I left Kiyomi's house and
headed for home.That wasn't good.xxxxx=CSA01.OVLKiyomi:  Wait a moment, and I'll pour us some tea.
9%001:  Oh, you don't have to...Too late. She's gone.I mean, I'm her friend, not a guest...........Hmm, I guess I am a guest............................   
CT02KA0Kiyomi:  Here you are.%001:  Thanks.Kiyomi:  I hope you like it...She handed me a cup of green tea and a slice of castella
cake.Green tea and castella. This is very traditional, even
though castella originally comes from Holland.%001:  It looks good.*sip sip*%001:  Mmm...!Kiyomi:  Is anything wrong?%001:  Did you make this tea?Kiyomi:  Yes. Shinji is out right now, and...%001:  It's really good. I mean that.Kiyomi:  Really?%001:  Yes. Better than what my mother makes, even.Kiyomi:  Thank you! I wonder if I'll be a good wife
someday...%001:  I guarantee it. You'll be the best wife in all
of Japan.Kiyomi:  Thank you... *blush*Kiyomi:  Oh, I almost forgot!%001:  What?Kiyomi:  This is my Christmas present to you. Will you
accept it?%001:  Of course. Let's see what it is. Oh, it's a scarf!
Did you knit it yourself?Kiyomi:  Yes...%001:  Wow. This is really great. Thanks.%001:  This is something I made for you.Kiyomi:  Oh, can I open it?%001:  Sure.Kiyomi:  Let's see...%001:  Do you like it?Kiyomi:  Yes! I like it very much! I'll treasure it
always!Kiyomi held the broch I made for her to her heart.%001:  I'm glad you like it. That makes me happy.Kiyomi:  In return for this present, do you want to have
a private Christmas party here, right here with me?%001:  A private party?Kiyomi:  If you don't want to, it's okay...%001:  No, let's have a party.Kiyomi:  Okay! Please come over here.%001:  Why?Kiyomi:  I've been getting ready for the party for a
while. I was worried you'd be busy...............................%001:  .....This is really delicious.Kiyomi:  Really? Thank you!%001:  It's good. You are Shinji's older sister, after all.Kiyomi:  I'm just glad I could do something for myself
without relying on him all the time.%001:  Huh? What?Kiyomi:  Oh, nothing.Kiyomi:  How do you like this one?%001:  Let's see. Mm, it's good, too.Kiyomi:  Please eat as much as you like.In this way, Kiyomi and I enjoyed our private Christmas
Party together...%001:  It's nine o'clock! I guess I should get on home.    
CT02I   ;
CT02IA0Kiyomi:  Don't you think it's still too early to go home?%001:  .....Mmm, it's late. I should be getting back.Kiyomi:  But I wanted you to stay until my father came home.
So I could introduce them to you.%001:  Hmm...Kiyomi:  ......Please?%001:  ..........Okay. I'll stay a while longer.  
CT02K   ;
CT02KA0Kiyomi:  Oh, thank you!I'm having trouble relaxing here for some reason.This is just Kiyomi. There's no reason to be nervous, right?