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<%001:  You live pretty far away...Ruri:  You think so?We were walking along a river. I had no idea where I was,
so I just followed her.%001:  It's cold.Ruri:  Yes, it is.....It's really hard to have a conversation with her.Bending my ear to hear the Christmas music flowing from
a nearby department store, I followed Ruri.

CT05C   <
CT05A0Ruri:  .........................Suddenly she stopped.This is the one room apartment where Ruri lives.It's very clean.%001:  What's wrong?Ruri:  ............Why do you want to come to my house?%001:  ..............Well, I wanted to give you a present.%001:  Why?%001:  Because it's Christmas tomorrow.Ruri:  .......Oh.She started walking again.Ruri:  ...........%001.%001:  Mm?Ruri:  .........What is Christmas, anyway?%001:  ...............What?Ruri:  Is it some kind of festival, like the Tanabata Star
Festival in August?%001:  .......You really don't know?Ruri:  I'm sorry.%001:  You don't have to apologize or anything.%001:  Well, Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ.Ruri:  ......Do you know this person?%001:  ........He lived a long time ago.%001:  I thought you said you believed in God.Ruri:  My mother says God exists, so I try to believe.
But I don't know...%001:  ...........I see.%001:  In Japan, Christmas is a time when friends get
together and have a party. Christmas really has very little
to do with God in Japan.Ruri:  ....We just had the party. What else is there?%001:  ..........I'm not really sure myself.How do I ask her what I want to ask her?Ruri, what am I to you? Your friend? Your classmate?
Just some guy who likes to lecture you?Or am I more...?I can't say that...!Ruri:  We're here.As I was still wrestling with what I wanted to say to
her, we arrived at her house.Ruri:  Go on in.%001:  Thanks.
CT05A0%001:  You've...changed in this past year.Ruri:  Really? In what way?%001:  When you first came to out school, you hardly spoke
with anyone. Remember?%001:  Now you're much more friendly.Ruri:  .......................%001:  Ruri, do you like school?Ruri:  .......................%001:  Oh, I'm sorry..... I forgot you were going to change
schools again.e6O%001:  What were you talking about with Meimi and Seia
before?%001:  .....Do you want to know?%001:  Well, sure.Ruri:  They asked me if I wanted to go skiing with them.Ruri:  I said no.%001:  Why?Ruri:  .............I'm moving the day they're going.%001:  ................Oh.f6O%001:  What kind of person is your mother like? I'd like
to meet her.

CT05C   <
CT05A0Ruri:  Why?%001:  .....I was just wondering if she was one of those
overprotective mothers.Ruri:  ..........%001:  My mother treats me like a child sometimes, always
trying to baby me whenever I'll let her...Ruri:  .....................%001:  But my mother respects my right to choose my own
path in life. That's a good thing.%001:  Do you really want to go live with your mother?Ruri:  Yes, I do.%001:  ...........I see.g6O%001:  Oh, here's the present. I hope you like it.Ruri:  ..............What is it?%001:  Go ahead and open it. I have to admit, I like the
way it came out.Ruri:  .........Did you make this brooch yourself?%001:  Yes. Do you like it?   
CT05I   ;
CT05IA0Ruri:  ...................%001:  I'm sorry if you don't like it.Ruri just shakes her head silently.Ruri:  I........I don't have anything to give you in
return.Ruri:  So please...take this back.She moved to hand the brooch back to me, but I gently
pushed her hand towards her.%001:  I don't need anything in return. I just want to
see you happy.%001:  Smile for me. That's all I want.    
CT05K   ;
CT05KA0Ruri:  .....................Thank you, %001.%001:  You're welcome, Ruri.  efg
 Ruri:  .......................%001:  .......................Ruri:  .......................%001:  .......................%001:  Is that really want you want?Ruri:  ..............%001:  I'm sure you love your mother and all, but...%001:  Will you be happy, living life the way your mother
tells you?Ruri:  ......You and I are different.Ruri:  .....I don't have anything except for my mother
and the family name.%001:  I wonder if that's really true.%001:  Do you remember what happened at camp?%001:  When you disappeared, we looked everywhere for you.
All of us, Reiko, Kiyomi, Seia, Meimi, Aki, and of course
Kyoko-sensei.%001:  Why do you think we looked so hard to find you?Ruri:  ............%001:  Because we all were worried about you.Ruri:  ............%001:  I'm sure the worry we felt is nothing compared
what your mother feels for you. Anyway, please don't
pretend we don't exist.Ruri:  ............%001:  I'm sorry for lecturing you again...Ruri:  ............%001:  I just don't want you to forget...that we're all
your friends.Ruri:  ............%001:  Sorry for being so pushy.Ruri:  ............%001:  ..........Well, I'll go home now.Ruri:  ........Sayonara.......I was stupid to say that. I'm just an outsider.I started to walk away from her apartment.=..................................Ruri:  .......Sayonara.Ruri:  .........And thank you, %001.ЦЦЦЦЦЭCSA01.OVL