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7Ee &2  ,2  LOOKTALKAKI&2_┴  (,2dН.я┼ЛЦ
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AB_04_3%001:  Wow, it's cold.It's December, the beginning of winter.  
CT06A0Aki:  Ah, %001.%001:  Aki? What's wrong? I told you I'd be at your house
tonight.Aki:  But we forgot one thing... Do you even know where I
live?%001:  .......... No.Aki:  I thought so.Aki half-sighed, half smiled.%001:  That's why I waited for you. Shall we go?Without waiting for my reply, Aki took my arm and started
walking.%001:  ...Wait, Aki! Don't pull my arm like that!It's Aki, as full of energy as ever.I'm glad she got over what happened at the Sports
Festival.She's looking up at the lightly falling snow.She's looks really cute.She just looked this way.Her face looks red for some reason.I'll bet mine is, too.Aki:  %001? This is the first time for us, isn't it?%001:  ............... What?Aki:  The first time we've been alone like this.%001:  Really? I seem to remember one other time...
During the culture festival perhaps?Aki:  Don't remind me of things I'd rather forget.%001:  I'm sorry.Aki:  What I meant was, this is the first time we've
walked together, like this.%001:  ...........Oh. You're right.Aki:  .........Boys!%001:  Hey, hey! %001:  So tell me, where do you live?Aki:  I live in Hashie-cho.%001:  Isn't that like, really far away?Aki:  A little.%001:  .......................What have I gotten myself in for?%001:  Aki, do you mind if I don't walk you home today?Aki:  What?%001:  The mood is a little different, out here in the
street. But if I go to your house today, it'll take me hours
to get back.Aki:  Oh...%001:  Here you go.Aki:  What is this?%001:  It's your Christmas present. I wanted to give it to
you in person.Aki:  .............................%001:  ......Aki?Aki:  ....Oh, thank you.%001:  Well, I'm going to head back, then. Be careful,
alright?Aki:  .........%001!%001:  Yes?Aki:  .......I........I...%001:  ???%001:  Is there anything else, Aki?Aki:  .............Yes.%001:  .................What is it?Aki:  ........The snow.Aki:  ............The snow is so pretty.%001:  That's right. It's going to be a White Christmas
tomorrow.Aki:  ...............%001?%001:  Mm?Aki:  Have you ever...kissed?%001:  What? Why are you asking me?Aki:  .....Have you?%001:  ..............%001:  Well, yes I have.      Aki:  .......Oh. So it wouldn't be your first.%001:  What wouldn't?Aki:  ...............This.
;AE_111%001:  !?
Aki:  ......Mm.%001:  ...............%001:  .....Aki...Aki:  That was my Christmas present to you.%001:  .............Aki:  Didn't you like it?%001:  ...........I liked it.Aki:  I'm glad.%001:  ..................Aki:  ..............Well, goodnight!%001:  Yeah, goodnight.аааааз=CSA01.OVL