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9Ik &2  ,2  LOOKTALKMEIMI&2№UЛє;,2Ж.╤КН qси╓╨        Я

AB_04_3%001:  Wow, it's really cold.   
CT08A0Meimi:  Of course. It is Christmas Eve.%001:  You're right.It's just Meimi, the same Meimi who I see at school every
day.............I think.She seems normal. But something's strange about her.She's waving her arms in the air as she walks, like a little
child.She's really cute when she smiles.She's pressing herself up against me as she walks.What's up with her?Meimi is...........crying!(Meimi...... I didn't know you felt that way.)Meimi:  It's been a long time, hasn't it?%001:  What has?Meimi:  ....Since we walked together like this.%001:  .................Really?Meimi:  ...............Meimi:  D- Do you remember the seaside school?%001:  Yeah, I remember it.Meimi:  We were alone, then, too.%001:  That's right.Meimi:  ...................Meimi:  ....Also, back when you were practicing for the
sports festival, you used to walk me home sometimes. Remember?%001:  ........Yes, I do.Meimi:  .........................Meimi:  ........................%001:  .........................(One of us has to say something!)Meimi:  Look!%001:  It's snowing.  
CT08K   ;
CT08KA0Meimi:  %001, look! Snow!%001:  We'll have a white Christmas tomorrow.Meimi:  Oh no!%001:  ........It stopped snowing already.  
CT08I   ;
CT08IA0Meimi:  .........Darn.Meimi:  .......................%001:  .......................(It got quiet again.)Meimi:  %001?%001:  .............Mm?Meimi:  *sob*%001:  Meimi? What's the matter?Meimi:  .......................%001:  What's wrong. Did you hurt yourself?Meimi:  ........I just wanted...%001:  What?Meimi:   It would have been so romantic, with the snow falling
all around us...%001:  .........Meimi?      %001:  Meimi, what's wrong? You've been acting strangely
all day.Meimi:  ....................     
CT08K   ;
CT08KA0Just kidding!%001:  What?Meimi:  I was teasing you. I mean, come on, %001. You've
got...Meimi:  You've got...someone else, right? Some other girl
besides me?
%001:  ......Meimi, what are you...?Meimi:  I just... 
CT08I   ;
CT08IA0 I just...Meimi:  I can't do it anymore. I can't! I can't go on like
this!Meimi:  %001...........I love you! I love you!%001:  .............Meimi:  ..........I'm sorry!!
<%001:  .....................Hey, wait!%001:  ........I got you!    
CT08IA0Meimi:  *sob*%001:  ..........Meimi, I...%001:  Meimi, listen to me.Meimi:  *sob*%001:  Forgive me...%001:  I had no idea you felt that way about me.Meimi:  .......*sob*..... You didn't?%001:  Now that I think about it, you were always there
for me, always supporting me.%001:  And I...%001:  Meimi, I want you keep on being there for me, at my
side. I love you, too, Meimi.Meimi:  ........!!
Meimi:  Do you want...me?%001:  .....Yes. You're the only one I want.Meimi:  ...........%001!
;AE_101Meimi's eyes, still full of tears, slowly close.I move my face towards hers.I press my mouth against her sakura-colored lips.Meimi:  %001......I'm so happy!%001:  ..........Meimi, so am I.Meimi:  %001, please, kiss me again. I want to make
sure I'm not dreaming this.%001:  Alright.I take Meimi into my arms and kiss her softly again.CSE_H_1.OVL