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AB_15New Years' Eve.Our house was a battlefield.%001:  I'm so sick of this stupid housework!Nobuyuki:  If we don't get the house thoroughly clean
today, the new year can't start!Nobuyuki:  So get moving, boy!%001:  Yes sir.*BONK!!*Nobuyuki:  Ouch!%001:  Dad! Are you alright!Nobuyuki:  .....I think I'm dying, son!%001:  Don't talk like that! Are you planning on leaving
me on this battlefield all alone!Nobuyuki:  I'm sorry! Forgive your poor father!%001:  Dad!Makoto:  %001, your father died a brave death. We will
never forget his sacrafice.%001:  Makoto?      
CT14DA0Makoto:  Now we're the only two left on this battlefield.Makoto:  Let's die bravely...together!%001:  Hey, wait a minute. I don't want to die...Makoto:  I'm going! Cover me!  FOOM! BOOM! RATATATATAT!%001:  Why are you even here?Makoto:  FOOM!  RATATATATATAT!%001:  Makoto, please play some other game.Makoto:  Shut up! This is a very touching war drama!%001:  We've got a lot of cleaning to do today, because
it's New Year's Eve.
AB_15This is my family's electronics shop.There are strange electronic parts scattered everywhere.
I'm not even sure what some of them are for.Can we clean this all in just one day?e6мHe's dressed in his full survival outfit, complete with
realistic looking air gun.He looks like a real soldier.He's still dizzy from getting hit on the head. Or else
he's just pretending...He might be trying to get me to do all the work...f6м%001:  How did you hear about what we were doing?Makoto:  From your mother. She told me you were playing
wargames, so I thought I'd come over.%001:  That mother of mine...%001:  Since you're here, why don't you help out? We'll
give you dinner.Makoto:  Me?%001:  Remember when we fixed your computer last month? 
You have to help us.Makoto:  Okay, okay.h6м%001:  Wake up, Dad!Noboyuki:  %001, your father is badly wounded... You'll
have to do the cleaning today.%001:  You were just hit on the head! There isn't even
any blood!g6мEvery year on New Year's Eve, we clean everything in our
shop, Yamagami Electronics.My mother doesn't know anything about electronics, of
course, so she just gets in the way. My father and I do
most of the work.It's a Japanese custom to clean your house from top to
bottom on December 31st, to greet the new year with
everything in order.It's a good custom, but I don't want to do this much work.i6мI guess Makoto's family finished their cleaning.If my father would clean his shop on a regular basis,
it wouldn't be so bad today.Well, I can't really complain. I almost never help out
with the shop.j6м%001:  Let's move this TV over here...*move move*%001:  *whew*!    %001:  Let's put all the spare parts in one place.*move move*%001:  ................     %001:  Hmm, this place is getting more cluttered by being
cleaned than if it was left alone.k6м  efghijk
 ???:  Excuse me...?%001:  Ah, a customer.%001:  I'm sorry, we're closed today for cleaning, and...%001:  Ah!        
CT01A0Reiko, Kiyomi and Mio were standing there.Reiko:  How's the cleaning going?%001:  Not very well.Kiyomi:  It looks like a tornado passed through here!Mio:  We figured that would be the case, and came over
to help!%001:  What?     
CT09A0Nobuyuki:  Well, is that so!%001:  What happened do your injury? You sure got better
all of the sudden.%001:  Thanks for offering, girls, but we'll do it ourselves.Makoto:  Your attitude is quite a bit different from when 
ou were talking with me.%001:  That's because you came to play wargames when
we were busy!Nobuyuki:  Let's do this. I'll pay each of you $30 if
you help us clean.        
CT01A0Reiko:  Oh, we didn't come here for money.Nobuyuki:  But if I don't pay you something, %001 won't
agree. Isn't that right, %001?%001:  Are you going to pay me, too?Reiko:  Well, let's get started, then.Reiko:  First, let's pick up the things scattered on
the floor.Nobuyuki:  But there are things that can still be used
scattered in with the junk.Reiko:  We'll sort that out later! First we have to
clean everything!Nobuyuki:  Okay!This is how our shop got cleaned from top to bottom.CSA02.OVL