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CT10A0Emi:  Here's some tea for you all...We were finally finished with the end-of-year housecleaning.
We all sat around the living room.

CT09    <
CT09A0Nobuyuki:  You all worked very hard today. Thank you.
Since you're already here, won't you greet the new year
with us?Emi:  Is that okay with you?Nobuyuki:  Of course.Emi:  In that case, I'll go out and pick up a few things
at the store.Reiko:  Oh, I'll go too.???:  Hello?%001:  Mm? Someone's at the door?Mio:  That voice, it's... 
CT12KA0Kyoko:  Hello! I just dropped by for a visit...%001:  Sensei!

CT06K   <
CT06KA0Aki:  Hello, %001.Makoto:  It's Aki!

CT06D   <
CT06DA0Aki:  Get back, Shimazaki!

CT06C   <
CT06A0Kyoko-sensei and Aki were here.She's holding two bags from a convenience store.Beer and sake, I'll bet.She's holding one large bottle of sake in each hand.Aki:  I heard about the Year End Party from Sensei...%001:  ......I see.f6╙%001:  Sensei, I've never heard of a teacher who brings
sake when visiting her student's house!Kyoko:  Don't be like that!Nobuyuki:  She's right, %001! You have to be flexible in
life!%001:  .................................Kyoko:  Let's reflect on the year we've just finished,
and enjoy ourselves!e6╙%001:  Well, everyone, kampai!Makoto:  Wait a minute! What about reflecting on the past
year?Aki:  Opps, he forgot.%001:  I'm sorry. Makoto, will you do the kampai for me?Makoto:  Sensei told you to do it!%001:  I'm not very good at talking in front of everyone
like this. You should do it.Makoto:  ..........Okay.   
CT14KA0I gave him a paper cup full of sake.Makoto:  Since %001 is such a wimp, I have been asked to
lead the kampai in his place.Makoto:  I'd like to say thank you to %001 for being our
class-- no, our whole school's hero this past year.%001:  M- Makoto...Makoto:  Not just saving lives and doing well at sports...
%001 has also excelled at making all the pretty girls in
our school fall in love with him.%001:  Hey!Makoto:  And so, for everyone's benefit, I will ask you
now. %001, which of these lovely ladies are you in love 
with?%001:  .................Suddenly everyone was looking at me.Makoto:  Please answer the question, %001. Which girl is it?Nobuyuki:  It's the end of the year, a good time for
setting things straight. Tell us, %001.Kyoko:  One of these girls? Or...someone not here today?Reiko:  .................Kiyomi:  .................Mio:  .................Aki:  .................%001:  ..............I...What do I say?Reiko:  .................Kiyomi:  .................Mio:  .................Aki:  .................Kyoko:  Who is it?%001:  ............................!!I looked at the bottle of brandy on the table......This is the only way!I took the glass and opened the lid. I started to drink...*glug glug glug glug glug glug*%001:  Ah....8*CRASH*I fell backwards, unconscious................................Reiko:  %001!Kiyomi:  %001!!Mio:  Oh my god! %001!Aki:  No, don't die!Kyoko:  Damn! He got out of that one.Makoto: Is he dead?Nobuyuki:  He'll be fine. Just give him  a little while.
Well, shall we do that kampai now?.....................................%001:  ........Ummmm.Kyoko:  He's awake. Let's do the kampai!By the time I woke up, they were all well into the party.CSA03.OVL%001:  Well...%001:  A lot happened to us all this year, and I made a lot
of good friends.%001:  I hope we can all be doing this at the same time next
year.Reiko:  ............................Oh, I forgot...Reiko's graduating, and going off to college...%001:  Reiko, you come, too. You can, can't you?Reiko:  Yes.....I can.%001:  So anyway, next year...  Wait a minute, Meimi and Seia
aren't here today.Kiyomi:  They went skiing, remember?%001:  Oh.%001:  Anyway, as we start the new year, I hope you will
all watch your health. And sensei, please try to drink
a little less next year.Kyoko:  Hey!%001:  That's all I have to say, so... Kampai!All:  KAMPAI!!We all touched our glasses together.CSA03.OVLKyoko:  Let's drink. Everyone hold your cups out.Cups were filled with juice or beer. Then Kyoko-sensei
stood up.Kyoko:  Well, a lot happened this year. I'm sure you will
all never forgot any of it.Reiko:  That's right.Kiyomi:  Yes, indeed.Mio:  Uh-huh.Aki:  I'm just sorry I couldn't beat Mio at tennis!Aki:  But I won't give up!Mio:  We'll see!Kyoko:  Don't get started, now...Kyoko:  Anyway, I'd like to ask %001 to talk about the
past year for us.%001:  Me?Nobuyuki:  Do a good job, son!%001:  ...........Dad! Don't get out the video camera!%001:  Anyway...