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CT12KA0Kyoko:  So? Are you going to tell us which girl you're in
love with, or what?%001:  .....That again?Kyoko:  You're such a cute boy when you get shy like that!

CT03K   <
CT03KA0Mio:  What are you talking about?%001:  Oh, nothing. Aki:  Mio, come here a minute.      
CT12KA0Aki took Mio away.      He's talking with my father about something.I'll bet they're talking about me.    She's talking with Kiyomi and Mom.I'll bet they're talking about me.She's talking with Reiko and Mom.I'll bet they're talking about me.Kiyomi:  Really? Is that true?Emi:  Yes! I didn't know what to do!Reiko:  %001 did that...and no one saw him...?What the hell are they talking about?Emi:  That's not all... (whisper whisper)Reiko:  Really?Kiyomi:  I can't believe it!They're looking over here at me, like I'm some kind of
strange creature from outer space.....Cut it out, Mom!Emi: And then!  (whisper whisper)Reiko:  !!Kiyomi:  Wow...Mom, don't you know when to quit?g61They've talking about something.Aki:  Mio! Shut up and drink!Mio:  But I can't drink!Aki:  You can't drink my sake?...*hic*Aki's drunk...Aki's trying to get Mio to drink.Mio:  Okay, just a little.Aki:  You have to drink! You're my rival!*swallow*Aki refills Mio's glass.Isn't that brandy?She's drinking straight brandy? That's dangerous.Mio:  Ah! I can't drink this much!Aki:  Sure you can! Go ahead!Mio:  .....I'll try.Making a face, Mio downed the brandy in one gulp.I really should stop them.Kyoko:  %001...%001:  Wah!!Suddenly Kyoko-sensei pulled me back.Kyoko:  They're fine. Don't bother them.%001:  I think Mio's going to hurt herself.Mio:  Give me that cup back!Aki had taken her cup back and was drinking from it.
....I was wrong. She kissed Mio, pushing the brandy from
her mouth into Mio's.Mio:  ..........Gross!%001:  .......Oh my god!Kyoko:  They're such good friends.Mio swallowed what Aki had given her, but her eyes
weren't happy.Mio's face was pink with drunkeness.Then she just fell backwards.Mio:  ............ *whump*Mio has collapsed from Aki's kiss.Aki:  I win!Then Aki slowly went to sleep.Kyoko:  I think you're going to lose Mio to Aki...%001:  .......What are you talking about?Mio:  ...................................Aki:  ........I win.....They're out cold.Mio passed out with her face in Aki's crotch. They look
like lesbians.Nobuyuki:  ....................%001:  Dad! Put the video camera away!f61She's alternating between pouring beer and pouring sake
into my glass.She's a dangerous person.She's talking with Reiko and Kiyomi about something.Emi:  And then he.... (whisper whisper)She's really getting into it.He's talking with Makoto about something.I'm sure they're planning some mischief.     Nobuyuki: And this is the plan I have...Makoto:  It looks good. What about getting him to.......?Nobuyuki:  Well, I was planning to...What are they talking about?!      Nobuyuki:  What does your father do, anyway, Makoto?Makoto:  He sells computers.Nobuyuki:  Computer, huh?Makoto:  He often goes on business trips to communist
countries, though. I never know what he's doing there.                
CT14DA0Makoto:  %001, stop hogging Sensei all to yourself!Nobuyuki:  He's right, son!    
CT12KA0Kyoko:  I'm sorry. I'm talking about something important
with %001.With that, she poured me another round of sake.%001:  Sensei, I don't want to drink anymore...Kyoko:  Mr. Yamagami, let me tell you a few things about
your son...No! Anything but that!'guzzle guzzle'%001:  Mm, this sake is delicious!Nobuyuki:  Yes? What about my son?Kyoko:  ......What was I talking about? I forgot!.....Evil witch!h61%001:  Aki, will you walk Mio home tonight?Aki:  Mio...?Mio:  ...................*zonk*Mio couldn't possibly walk home by herself.Kyoko:  That's a good idea. You live close to her, too.Nobuyuki:  Will you do it?Aki:  .....Okay, I'll do it.Aki:  Let's go, Mio!Mio:  ............I'm sorry for imposing, Aki...Aki:  I'm not doing it for you. They asked me to do it!Aki:  Besides, I'm the one who made you like this. Sorry...Mio:  ..........What did you say?Aki:  Nothing! Nevermind!Listing thirty degrees to starboard, Aki and Mio stumble
off into the night.Kyoko:  Well, I guess we should be leaving, now, too.Kiyomi:  Yes, that's true...Emi:  Please come back again soon!Reiko:  %001, we'll see you later.%001:  Yeah. Thanks.Makoto:  I guess I'll go home, too.%001:  Thanks for helping out today....................................%001:  They're gone.Nobuyuki:  What a fresh, clean morning.Nobuyuki:  Let's go to bed.Emi:  Oh, Shu-chan?%001:  What is it now, Mom?Emi:  I forgot to give you your 'Happy New Year' kiss!
Mmmmmmm...%001:  Leave me alone! %001:  By the way, what were you talking about with Reiko
and Kiyomi?Emi:  They said they wanted me to tell them about you.
I told them a lot of different stories.Emi:  Like how you used to wet your bed when you were
twelve...or how you use to take a bath with me until
last year...%001:  I hate you!<CSA04.OVLKyoko:  You've got to hurry up and decide. You're only
hurting them by doing this.%001:  ....................................Kyoko:  .......Which girl do you want to have sex with
the most?%001:  What...?!Kyoko:  Don't be shy. Everyone likes sex, %001. We're
all human.I can't believe her sometimes!Kyoko:  If you don't tell me who, I'll tell them all about
the night we spent together.%001:  .......You're such a bitch!Kyoko:  Heeheehee. Well, what are you going to do?e61%001:  Dad, what about paying the girls for helping
today?Nobuyuki:  That's right. I almost forgot.Reiko:  No, I can't take the money. Thanks anyway, though.Nobuyuki:  It's the new year, when children get money from
old people. Go ahead and take it.Grudgingly, they all accept the money.%001:  Wait? What about me?Nobuyuki:  Here you go, son.Nobuyuki:  Here, young lady, you can have some too.Aki:  I can't. I didn't help out with the cleaning today.  efgh
 ;This is how New Year's Eve passed for all of us.....................................Then it was January first.
CT10A0Reiko:  Thanks for having us over, Mrs. Yamagami.Emi:  No, thank you for coming. And thanks for helping with
the cleaning like you did.Kyoko:  New Year's is more fun when you spend it with a
lot of people!Kiyomi:  That's true. I haven't enjoyed New Year's this
much in a long time.