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AB_08_1It was two hours by Shinkansen to M Prefecture, just
north of Tokyo, where our destination lie. Then a half
hour up into the mountains.Kyoko:  Wow, I'm tired. Can we rest a bit?%001:  Again, Sensei?%001:  Me too...I can't catch my breath...Kiyomi:  I'm tired, too!        
CT06A0Aki:  What are you all doing, resting here? We still have
a ways to go!     
CT03A0Mio:  They're tired. You can't blame them.Kyoko-sensei, Reiko and Kiyomi are all resting..........This is the sixth time in thirty minutes!Well, I can't blame them. This is a pretty steep climb.Mio, Aki, Ruri and me are all doing fine.It's surprising to see Ruri being so happy.Makoto's up ahead of us, doing reconnaissance.e6         He's on reconnaissance. He's not here.Why did he bring his air gun with him up here, I wonder?Reiko:  I'm not used to walking up in the mountains like
this.%001:  You'd be more at home just swimming up a river...Reiko:  I'm not a salmon!g6         Kiyomi:  I want to get to the ryokan and get into the
hot springs!%001:  If you don't start walking, you'll never get 
there.h6   %001:  You're don't seem tired at all.Mio:  No, I like it up here.i6    Ruri:  ...........There's a patch of plum trees just up ahead.%001:  Ruri, have you been here before?Ruri:  ......No.Kiyomi:  Haha...Hohohoho!Kiyomi hear what Ruri said and started laughing.Reiko:  .......What was funny about what Ruri said?Mio:  I don't know.%001:  ..............................%001:  Ruri, what did you mean just now?Ruri:  ............................Sometimes I wonder about that girl. She seems to have
some kind of super powers.k6       Aki:  %001, why don't we go on without the others?%001:  We can't do that, Aki.Aki:  Kyoko-sensei's here. They'll be fine.%001:  It's because she's here that I'm worried.Aki:  Oh.Kyoko:  Hey, don't listen to him!j6  Aki:  They're so lazy. Why aren't they walking?%001:  Sensei, let's go! You're our leader, aren't you?Kyoko:  Let me rest a little longer...%001:  Sensei, if you'd left some of that sake behind
you'd be better off now.%001:  Come on, Sensei, let's go!Kyoko:  Just five more minutes...%001:  You should cut down on the amount you drink. You'd
be in better shape.Kyoko:  Shut up!f6       efghijk
CT14A0Makoto:  Colonel! I've scouted the area and returned!%001:  Wah!!Suddenly Makoto returns from the undergrowth.%001:  Don't surprise me like that!Makoto:  I spotted the enemy, sir!%001:  ...You found the ryokan?Makoto:  .....Yes, ten minutes up the trail.%001:  Everyone, let's go! Just ten minutes more!Kyoko:  We'll be there soon? I can have my drink in the
hot springs?Kyoko:  Okay, let's go!CSA08.OVL