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,0зп╖┼╤┘уыє26<BFJNR01V  ]Я  cЯ  i  p  {  Е  П  RELAXLOOKTALKTHINKGO FOR ITDON'T GOSTOP HIMDON'T STOP HIMMAKOTOV  И]Я│cЯцП\ i  S/       ^       p  
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<After arriving at the inn, we checked in then went off
to our rooms.After dinner, I relaxed in my room.%001:  *yawn*%001:  It's really quiet...He's jumping around, trying to tell me something.Makoto:  %001, the hot springs here are...%001:  What? Full of monkeys?Makoto:  Yes! Full of beautiful monkeys that look like
women! No! That's not what I mean!Makoto:  The hot springs here have...........separate areas for men and women!%001:  Really?Makoto:  'Really?' That's all you can say? Did you hear
what I said?Makoto:  We can't get naked with the girls in the hot
springs tonight! %001:  I'm not surprised. Most places have stopped
letting men and women bathe together these days. I didn't
expect this place to be any different.Makoto:  But this is Japan! Men and women are supposed
to bathe together! It's our national heritage!Makoto:  ...Are you happy to be naked with me?%001:  Not really.Makoto:  See?  You'd rather be naked with Reiko or Kyoko-
sensei, wouldn't you?%001:  Well...(Actually, I've seen Kyoko-sensei, more than he'll ever
CT14I   ;
CT14IA0Makoto:  Why did we come all this way?Makoto:  Oh, the humanity!Makoto lays down and starts crying.%001:  Makoto, I can see how much it means to you.%001:  Believe me, I understand how you feel...Makoto:  You do?%001:  Sure. I'm a man, just like you are.Makoto:  %001...      
CT14A0Makoto:  Then there's still way! Let's go!%001:  Go where?Makoto:  Where else? We're going to peek at those girls!%001:  What? Wait!  
CT14K   ;
CT14KA0Makoto:  You want to see them naked, too, don't you?%001:  ..........Yes, but...Makoto:  %001, there are six beautiful women just waiting 
for us to go look at them. You're never going to get 
this chance again!This place doesn't look like anything special from the
outside, but the rooms are quite nice.Makoto and I are in one room. Reiko, Kiyomi and Mio are
in another room. Aki is going to share a room with
Kyoko-sensei.Dinner was really delicious: boiled crab.Well, I guess it's time to go check out the hot
CT14DA0Makoto:  %001...!!%001:  What's the matter, Makoto?%001:  ......This is part of being a man, I guess.Makoto:  Yes! This is a path that all men must take,
peeking at girls while they bathe!%001:  I suppose...Makoto:  Okay, here's the plan.He unfolded a piece of paper, laying it out on the table.Makoto:  This is a diagram of the inn that I drew up.%001:  When did you have time to do this?Makoto:  The best point for looking at the girls is...here!Makoto pointed to a red mark on the map.%001:  ....Okay.Makoto:  Let's synchonize our watches.%001:  .........Does that really matter?Makoto:  Just trust me.Makoto:  Okay, let's go!<Makoto and I snuk down to the outdoor bath.Makoto:  We split up from here. I wish you well!%001:  Hey!But he was already gone.%001:  He plays his survival games too much...'Oh! The water is just lovely!''Reiko, your skin is really soft and supple...''Hey, that tickles!'%001:  ......*gulp*CSA09.OVL%001:  Makoto, that's illegal, you know!Makoto:  %001. Peeking at girls isn't illegal unless you
get caught.Makoto:  And besides, when you look at girls like that,
you're just affirming that they're beautiful.Makoto:  They expect us to look at them, %001!%001:  I think you're full of shit...%001:  Well, I'm not going.       
CT14DA0Makoto:  %001, I'm disappointed in you.Makoto:  If you won't come, I'll go by myself. Goodbye!
<Like the wind, Makoto leaves the room.%001:  I've got to stop him!<I ran after him, going down to the outdoor bath.But he was gone. Or else...hiding somewhere.Him and his survival training.'Oh! The water is just lovely!'%001:  Huh?'Reiko, your skin is really soft and supple...''Hey, that tickles!'They're all on the other side of the fence...*gulp*CSA09.OVL%001:  Well, he'll be fine on his own, I guess.%001:  ...................%001:  ....What am I saying?