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1MU"  (  PEEKGO BACK"  ┘╓ХцЕЕG√   o
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<AE_023The six heavenly angels were before me, their bodies
shimmering under the lights.Aki:  Mi-oh!!Mio:  What?!Aki squeezes Mio's tits from behind, massaging them like
bread dough.Mio:  ........Aki?Aki:  Ha! I win again!Mio:  Reiko, Aki's teasing me again!Reiko:  Okay, both of you, be good....................................Kiyomi:  Mio's still growing, so I'm sure she'll get bigger.Mio:  Really?Aki:  I don't think she can grow any more.Mio:  Why you....!......I'm going to get a nose bleed in a minute!Kyoko:  It's not that good to have big breasts, though.Kyoko:  It's hard to find a bra that fits.Reiko:  Yes, it's hard to support them. You don't want
them to sag later.Aki:  Men look at you all the time, too...*gulp*Kiyomi:  It's also hard to run with them.Ruri:  And your back hurts...Mio:  Yes, but... I still want them!Aki:  Is it true that your breasts get bigger when
someone massages them?Kiyomi:  We should try it on Mio.Aki and Kiyomi spend a few minutes chasing Mio around
the bath.Mio:  Get away from me!Reiko:  Cut it out, you two. Can't you see she's scared?Kiyomi:  It's okay, Mio. It's only scary for the first
few seconds.Aki:  That's right. Then it feels good.Aki...I've never seen this side of you before...Kyoko:  Why don't you stop teasing Mio and have a drink?Aki:  Sensei is starting again.Reiko:  You're very slender, Kyoko-sensei, even with all
the drinking you do. What do you eat?Kyoko:  .......Eat? Who says I eat?....I always suspected that...Aki:  Sake tastes so good when you drink it in a hot
springs!...........What's wrong, Mio?Mio:  You know...Aki:  I said I was sorry, already. Are you still upset?Kiyomi:  I understand how Mio feels, being kissed like
that by you.Aki:  Did you know that in America people kiss as a way
of saying hello?Reiko:  Don't you mean France? Anyway, they don't put whisky
they've been drinking into other people's mouths.Ruri:  ..............Yuck!Kyoko:  Ruri, are you having fun?Ruri:  I...I've never taken a bath with other people like this.Ruri:  But it's fun.Is she smiling?Ruri:  I don't think I'll ever forget today.Kiyomi:  Ruri, do you really have to go live with your
mother, and leave our school?Ruri:  ......I'm sorry.Kyoko:  There's nothing to apologize for. It's your
decision, and no one can stop you from making it.Ruri:  ................................Kyoko:  Ruri, would you like some sake?Ruri:  Thank you.*swallow*Ruri:  .........................It's good.Ruri:  .......Mio?Mio:  Eh?*squoogle*Mio:  Hey!Ruri reached around and started squeezing Mio's breasts.What the hell...??Mio:  Ruri? What are you doing?Ruri:  You want your breasts to get bigger, don't you?Ruri continued to massage Mio's breasts, a serious
expression on her face.Kyoko:  People always change when they get drunk...Mio:  Don't just stit there, save me!    Ruri:  .....................................Ruri started looking at Aki now.Aki:  W- What? I'm perfectly happy with my breasts?Ruri:  I'm sorry, I don't know you very well... Ruri:  So..... This is a greeting.Aki:  Greeting? Wait!*SMOOOCH*Ruri planted her mouth on Aki's in a full kiss.Aki:  *spit spit*Trying to get Ruri's taste out of her mouth, Aki sunk
herself under the water.Reiko:  I'd say she deserved that...That's right... She was the one saying that they kiss in
America when they greet someone...
Ruri:  ................................%001:  !!Suddenly my eyes met with Ruri's.Ruri:  We're being watched.Reiko:  What?Ruri:  Look, over there.Reiko:  Kya!!!!!!Screaming bloody murder, the girls start hurling rocks at me.%001:  No wait! I didn't mean to...!What am I saying? I'm guilty as charged!Oh no!*CRACK*;%001:  Ugh!!A large rock hit me smack in the face.%001:  Mnnngh...Slowly I lose consciousness and fall down............................................ЯЯ3ЯCSA11.OVLIt's no use...My body won't move.CSA10.OVL