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 "48╟╧╫сё√#+3:DJPTX\`d89hип╡  nи  t╜  y  А  Й  Р  Ч  Э  LOOKTALKASKTHINKMAHJONGCARDSRIGHTLEFT    PING-PONGKYOKOROOMMIRROREVERYONEhиьhпАh╡╜чnиу^╥Y4t╜-y  е▄]еА  ,Й  ┌Р         TЧ  
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<................................Ouch!The area above my my right eye is puffed up like a rock,
and pulsating with pain.........Owww!   She's dressed in her yukata, a cotton kimono.............She looks sexy.Kyoko:  You still want to look at women?%001:  ..........No, nevermind.It's a room in the inn.Kyoko and I are the only ones here.I can imagine what I must look like.%001:  ......Wah!I didn't think I looked that bad.There's a huge purple lump above my right eye.Now I remember. They caught me peeking at them, and
threw rocks at me.What's this world come to, when you can't do someone evil
without getting caught?I don't like looking at my face...%001:  That looks terrible.Kyoko:  It's a lot better than it was when they first
brought you in here.%001:  ......It was worse?Kyoko:  You looked like you'd been shot. I couldn't let
the others see you like that.%001:  Sensei, what's wrong with my eye?Kyoko:  .....Hahaha....Laughing, she pointed to a mirror in the corner.%001:  Sensei, you didn't do anything to me while I
was asleep, did you?Kyoko:  Who, me?%001:  ..............Kyoko:  Who do you think put that bump on your head?%001:  I'd guess it was Aki. She's so athletic.Kyoko:  No, you're going to be surprised when you hear it.
It was Ruri.%001:  Really?Kyoko:  But she doesn't remember anything after she started
drinking in the bath.of it.%001:  I've never seen anyone act quite like that when
they got drunk.Kyoko:  It was amazing, wasn't it?%001:  I'm glad Ruri came with us.%001:  She told me over the phone she couldn't go.%001:  How did you change her mind?Kyoko:  I'm sorry, I'm not at liberty to divulge that
information.%001:  .................%001:  Does she really have to go back and live with her
mother?Kyoko:  It's what she wants, so there's nothing we can do
about it.*knock knock*Reiko:  %001, are you awake?%001:  Reiko?*kacha*Reiko, Kiyomi and Mio came into the room.      
"CT01A0Kyoko:  So who won?Kiyomi:  There wasn't a clear winner, so we decided to
come in together...Kyoko:  You should have kept trying to choose one person.Kyoko:  Since %001 is unable to make up his mind himself,
you've got to decide for him.

CT06Y   <
CT06A0Aki:  Hey, don't forget about me.Mio:  Ah, Aki? Are you okay?Aki:  I just swallowed a little water, that's all. Wow,
look at %001's eye...

CT05C     <
CT05A0Ruri:  Aki?Aki:  W- What do you want?Ruri:  You really shouldn't drink so much while you're
in the bath.Aki:  Oh, is that so? Thank you very much for that
advice!Ruri:  ......Why are you angry?Aki:  Nothing! Nevermind! Don't remind me of it!

CT14Y     <
CT14A0Makoto:  You're a real man, now, %001.%001:  Makoto! You got me into all this!Makoto:  .....Hey, let's play some mahjong!
<Mio:  No, let's play some card games.

CT06Y   <
CT06A0Aki:  Cards? Are you kidding? When you come to an inn like
this, you have to play ping-pong!What should I do?     %001:  ........Are the others mad at me?Kyoko:  They're not mad. They'll just never talk to you
again, that's all.%001:  I guess I deserve that...Kyoko:  If you feel that way, why did you do it?%001:  ................Kyoko:  Did Makoto put you up to it?%001:  That was part of it. But the real reason was...
I wanted to look.%001:  ............It was terrible, though, wasn't it?Kyoko:  ......Hahaha....%001:  Mm?Kyoko:  They're not mad at you anymore.Kyoko:  As soon as they saw your face, they forgave you.Kyoko:  Reiko, Kiyomi and Mio are trying to decide who
gets to take care of you. They couldn't decide who should
be the one.%001:  How are they going to decide?Kyoko:  By playing cards. It looked like it was going to take
a while, so I came in here first.Kyoko:  Ruri's taking care of Aki right now.Kyoko:  Makoto's watching TV in the lobby...(So he got away...)What the hell happened?.................................Now I remember! I was peeking into the women's
bath, and...I'll never forget that scene as long as I live...Ouch!The area above my right eye is killing me.I wonder what happened?Where am I?..............I'm in my room in the inn...........Where the hell is Makoto?%001:  Ouch...!???:  Are you awake?%001:  ....Who's there?     
CT12A0Kyoko:  Are you alright? Do you know who I am?%001:  ......Kyoko-sensei, age twenty-nine, single, you
like different varieties of sake and beer and...Kyoko:  ...........You're fine.%001:  Who's going to play?
CT14A0Makoto:  You, and me. We need two more players.

CT06Y   <
CT06A0Aki:  I know how to play mah-jong.Makoto:  Really?Aki:  It's the game where you have to make your opponent
take the joker from you, right?Makoto:  That's Old Maid! Get out of here!Aki:  Well, I don't need you! Come on, Mio, let's go
play ping-pong.Mio:  Okay...   
CT14A0Mio and Aki are gone.Reiko:  I don't know how to play, so I'll just watch.     
CT02A0Kiyomi:  I think I know how to play.%001:  You do? I'm surprised.

#CT05C   <
#CT05A0Ruri:  .......I know.Makoto:  Really?Ruri:  ....I just read a book about mah-jong.In Ruri's hand was a book entitled, 'Mah-jong For
Beginners.'Kyoko:  I just lent it to her. Let's have a few drinks
while we play!Reiko:  Oh, I just realized I wanted to play ping-pong!Reiko goes off.Kyoko:  Hmm, maybe I'll go back to the bath...Kyoko:  Don't peek now, %001!%001:  ................We played mah-jong for hours that night. In the end, 'Lucky
Ruri' was the winner.<6 '%001:  Okay, let's play Old Maid.
CT14A0Makoto:  %001! D'you think that's a good idea?%001:  Why not?Kyoko:  Makoto, did I hear you say anything?Makoto:  No, ma'am! 
CT05A0Ruri:  I don't know this game.Reiko:  What?Reiko:  You've never played Old Maid?Ruri just shakes her head.Kiyomi:  It's okay. You'll pick it up in no time.......And so...%001:  Hmmmmm....Ruri:  ...............%001:  This card...!Ruri:  ............%001:  No wait, that's probably the joker. How about this
one?Ruri:  ................I can't read her expression...Kyoko:  Whoever loses has to drink with me!Suddenly everyone except Ruri and I dropped out of the game.I've got one card. She's got two. One of them is the joker.I've got to pick the other card...Should I pick the right one, or the left one?       %001:  This card!Oh no!I picked the joker!Ruri:  I'll take this card.%001:  No!Before I could mix up the two cards I had, she took the
first card I had. 
CT05K   ;
CT05KA0Ruri:  I win, %001.Kyoko:  %001, you lost! Oh well, come over here and have
a drink!%001:  No....%001:  This can't be happening to me! I demand a rematch!Ruri:  ......*smile*....;We stayed up very late playing cards...I never thought that Old Maid could be so fun...Eventually I passed out drunk, thanks to Kyoko-sensei. I
didn't see how the rest of the evening turned out.<6 '%001:  This card!Yes!!%001:  Okay, I'm out! 
CT05I   ;
CT05IA0Ruri:  ........Did I lose?Kyoko:  Okay, Ruri. A deal is a deal. Come over here and
drink with me.Aki:  .......Oh no!Mio:  .................Aki and Mio both retreat to the corner of the room.That's right. Ruri forgot everything that happened after she
drank the last time.We want her to make memories on this trip, not lose them.
I've got to do something.I took the cup out of Ruri's hands and drank the sake myself.Ruri:  %001....?%001:  I just got a little thirsty there, sorry!Makoto:  Indirect kiss! Indirect kiss! Oo oo oo!%001:  Grow up, Makoto!        
CT05K   ;
CT05KA0Ruri:  .............*smile*Reiko:  Let's play again!Kiyomi:  %001, are you alright? Don't drink too much...%001:  I'm fine! Everything is fine!;We played cards until late that night.I never knew Old Maid could be so much fun...<6 '
AB_39%001:  Okay, let's go.      
CT06A0Aki:  Just a minute!%001:  Mm?Aki:  You aren't allowed to use a ping-pong raquet. You
have to hit the ball with a slipper. It's a handicap
because you're a man. Okay?%001:  ....I guess.Aki:  Okay, %001 and me first. Okay, Mio?Mio:  Okay.Aki:  I'll serve.*BAT*
                               *KACHA*       *KACHA*
                                       *ZING*Aki:  Ha!Mio:  0-1!Aki:  What's the matter, %001?%001:  I've never played ping-pong with a slipper before!Makoto:  Oh, look at them go.Kiyomi:  We'd like to play, too.Aki:  See what I told you? Playing ping-pong in a ryokan,
wearing yukata, that's what it means to be Japanese.Reiko:  We'll use this table over here.Makoto:  Reiko, will you play doubles with me?Reiko:  I don't mind. But who'll be Kiyomi's partner?Kiyomi:  Ruri, will you be by partner at ping-pong?Ruri:  .........You don't mind?Kiyomi:  Of course not!*BAT*
                               *KACHA*       *KACHA*

                                             *GACHA*We played ping-pong that way until late at night.<6 '............The next day.
AB_43_1We arrived back home.   
CT12KA0Kyoko:  That was a great experience.%001:  You didn't do anything but drink!Kyoko:  That's what I meant.%001:  .......Oh.

CT05K   <
CT05KA0Ruri:  Everyone........ Thank you so much. It was really fun.Ruri:  I'll never forget...any of you...Kyoko:  So you're going back to live with your mother
after all?Ruri:  .....Yes.Ruri:  If I don't go home, my mother will be all alone.Makoto:  Ruri... We'll wait for you.Kiyomi:  Come back to us anytime you like.Ruri:  I can't promise anything.Ruri:  But.......someday......someday...%001:  So don't say 'sayonara.'%001:  We'll see you later, Shiromizu-san.Ruri:  ..........Thanks. See you all later.;And then Ruri Shiromizu was gone.Leaving only the hope that we might see her again someday.CSB01.OVL