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CT14A0...Soon January was over, and cold, unforgiving Febaruary was
here.%001:  Well, it's time for lunch...%001:  ......Huh?
defghijklmWhere's Kiyomi...?We usually each lunch together, but she's not here today..............................Reiko and Mio also show up about this time, but they're not
here.The only ones here are Makoto, Meimi and Seia.Kiyomi's gone...It's usually so loud in here I can't concentrate, but now
it's too quiet.e6╨%001:  Makoto, do you know where Kiyomi is?Makoto:  Shinfuji? Nope, I don't know.Makoto:  You're right, she's not here. %001:  Neither are Reiko or Mio.%001:  I wonder what they're doing?Makoto:  Maybe they're deciding which one of them you'll
end up with, since you can't make up your stupid mind?%001:  ............I doubt that.Makoto:  I guess there won't be anything to look forward to
this Valentine's Day.%001:  Valentine's Day?Makoto:  Don't tell me you don't know what that is? You're
such a child!%001:  I know what it is!Valentine's Day is a little different in Japan than it is
in other countries.In Japan, February 14th is a time for girls to give chocolate
to boys. If a girl is in love with someone, they will usually
confess their feelings on this day.Women sometimes give chocolate to their bosses or other
people they have an obligation to give it to. This is called
'giri choco.'Boys who get chocolate have to give a present back to the
girls one month later, on White Day. He usually gives white
chocolate.Sometimes, I think that both Valentine's Day and White Day
were invented in Japan by chocolate companies.Makoto:  I'm planning on taking some of the chocolate you
get from all those girls that are in love with you.%001:  That's pathetic!Makoto:  It's the only way I'll be able to get any
chocolate from Reiko, though.%001:  Why don't you join the swimming team?Makoto:  No, I'm too busy with the survival club.%001:  I'll bet Kyoko-sensei will give you something.Makoto:  No, she'd be more likely to give me chocolates
with bourbon in them.%001:  But at least it's something.Makoto:  I really envy you, being the class hero and
everything. Makoto:  I think you're going to get chocolate from all the
girls in the school on Valentine's Day.   
CT07A0Seia:  I'm not so sure about that.Makoto:  Why?Seia:  Because Kiyomi and the others are always keeping
%001 to themselves.       
!CT08A0Meimi:  Sure. If there were other girls who wanted to
give %001 chocolate, they'd have to get past Reiko, Kiyomi
and Mio. That'd be pretty difficult...Makoto:  Hey, you're not in love with %001, too, are you?  
!CT08D   ;
!CT08DA0Meimi:  What?! What are you saying? I'm not in love with
%001!Makoto:  Look at how she jumped with I said it. I'd say
you can add her to the list, %001.Meimi:  I was planning on giving some chocolate to all
the boys in the class, but you're not getting anything, 
CT14I   ;
CT14IA0Makoto became a pillar of salt.2
!CT08A0Seia:  Lord, please forgive this silly fool...Makoto:  And give him some chocolate for Valentine's Day!f6╨Meimi:  Do you want chocolate that bad?%001:  I don't want 'giri choco.' I don't like having to
give them back something on White Day.Meimi:  ......Yeah.g6╨Seia:  Do you know where Kiyomi is, by any chance?%001:  Not me.h6╨%001:  Seia or Meimi, do you know where Kiyomi is?Meimi:  I think you should ask the class representative
about that. Seia?Seia:  ....But I don't want to tell you. Sorry.%001:  Hey!They start talking among themselves again, without
answering my question.  efgh
CT02A0Kiyomi:  ...............................%001:  Ah, Kiyomi. Where were you?Kiyomi:  Oh, I had an errand to run.%001:  You did? Anyway, let's eat lunch.Kiyomi:  Did you wait for me? That was so nice of you.%001:  Well, it was nothing.%001:  Do you know where Reiko and Mio are?Kiyomi:  They're both busy.%001:  Oh.CSB02.OVL