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<I'm at the pool.    
CT01A0Reiko:  %001, I've been waiting for you.%001:  .........Reiko.eefffggghhh╟╟9╟йъ: p
  She looks worried as she waits for me to speak first.She looks sad. I'm hurting her.%001:  Reiko, I......I...   
CT01I   ;
CT01IA0Reiko:  ...............................%001:  I........don't know how to say this...Reiko:  ...............................%001:  ......I can't be your boyfriend.%001:  It's not because I don't like you! You're like a
sister to me! I just...%001:  ......I...........!        
CT01K   ;
CT01KA0Reiko:  ...I can swim like a fish, but I'm unlucky in love.Reiko:  ..........I knew what you were going to say.Reiko:  I could see it in your face when you walked in
here.%001:  Reiko....Reiko:  I'll be alright, %001. If you'll let me go on
being your big sister. %001:  Reiko, I'm sorry.Reiko:  You thought about it, right? And this is your 
answer. Then there's nothing to be sorry about.   
CT01I   ;
CT01IA0Reiko:  ......Don't make me cry, too.%001:  Reiko.....Reiko:  ......%001, tell me, who is it? Who did you choose?9╟йЁ@      v
  I left Reiko and went outside.
< e f g h■ 2■╠....Well, that's done.Now to reveal my feelings...!9╟й
I  %001:  Kiyomi's waiting for me.I head for the baseball field.CSC01_B.OVLI already talked to her. There's no need to go back.%001:  Mio's waiting for me.I head for the tennis courts.CSC01_C.OVLФ№ППВ┐ВсВёВ╠ПКВ╔В═НsВпВ╚ВвВ╛ВыБEБEБEБBGoing back would only hurt Mio more, wouldn't it?%001:  Aki's waiting for me.I head for the roof of the school.CSC01_F.OVLI'll only hurt her if I go back.Reiko:  Your flag is fucked up. (This is a game internal
thing)%001:  ............It's Kiyomi.     
CT01K   ;
CT01KA0Reiko:  .......I see.Reiko:  %001, you have to be firm with her. You can't let
her have her way all the time.Reiko:  %001..... Thanks for making this past year so
much fun for me.%001:  No, Reiko. Thank you.I headed for the baseball field.CSC02_B.OVL%001:  .....It's Mio.        
CT01K   ;
CT01KA0Reiko:  ..........I see.Reiko:  Take good care of her, understand? Or I'll come and
find you.Reiko:  %001.... Thanks for making this past year so much
fun for me.%001:  No, Reiko... Thank you.I headed for the tennis courts.CSC02_C.OVL%001:  .....It's Aki.Reiko:  I see. Are you sure you won't be sorry later?      
CT01K   ;
CT01KA0Reiko:  %001, Thanks for making this past year so
much fun for me.%001:  No, Reiko, thank you.I head for the roof.CSC02_F.OVL