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CT06A0I'm on the roof.%001:  ...Aki...hheeefffggg╟╟йй2йЯ  Aki:  %001!Aki turned around and looked at me.9╟Э╚МД  She's looking at me with a worried expression on her face.She forcing back her tears, trying to smile.%001:  Aki, I....Aki:  .....................%001:  I....I don't know how to say this...        
CT06D     ;
CT06DA0Aki:  Please, tell me!Aki:  I... I'm ready for it!%001:  .........I can't be your boyfriend.Aki:  I knew it. You hate me, don't you...%001:  No! That's not true! You're like a sister to me! I
just...Aki:  ...A sister?%001:  .....I'm sorry.Aki:  ....................     
CT06A0Aki:  It's alright. I'll be your sister if that's what you
want.%001:  Aki...Aki:  I'm just glad you don't hate me, that's all.%001:  I told you before! Why would I hate you?Aki:  .......%001....%001:  Yes?Aki:  Who did you pick?9╟г╬ТД  
<Aki heads back inside. e f g h  2 ╫....Well, that's done.Now to reveal my feelings...!9╟д^r       Д  %001:  Reiko's waiting for me...I head for the pool.CSC01_A.OVLI already talked to her. There's no point in going back.%001:  Kiyomi's waiting for me.I head for the baseball field.CSC01_B.OVLI already talked to her. There's no need to go back.%001:  Mio's waiting for me...I head for the tennis courts.CSC01_C.OVLThat's not a good idea.Your flag is screwed up%001:  ....It's Reiko.Aki:  ......I see.Reiko:  But I have to tell you... When I'm her age, I plan
to be an even greater woman than she is.Aki:  .......Why don't you go to her? I'll bet you haven't
even told her how you felt yet.%001:  Aki, thank you.I head for the pool.CSC02_A.OVL%001:  ......It's Kiyomi.Aki:  ...I see.Aki:  %001, she's almost too good for you. Make sure you
take care of her.%001:  ......Thanks, Aki.I head for the baseball field.CSC02_B.OVL%001:  It's Mio.Aki:  What? You mean I lost to her again?Aki:  Hmph! I'll teach her to steal men from me, the next
time I get her on the tennis court!Aki:  .......But take good care of her, will you?%001:  Thanks, Aki.I head for the tennis courts.CSC02_C.OVLAki:  %001? What's up?%001:  What?       
CT06K     ;
CT06KA0Aki:  I'm kidding. I know why you're here. You're finally
going to tell me, aren't you?%001:  ...That's right. But I...Aki:  Before you say anything, I have to tell you
something.%001:  .....What?Aki:  I'm going out with Makoto.%001:  What?!Aki:  He said he'd die without me, and begged me to be
his girlfriend. What else could I do?     
CT06KA0Makoto:  I didn't exactly beg!Aki:  You're late! Don't you know it's impolite to keep
a lady waiting!Makoto:  Lady? I don't see any ladies around here.Aki:  Let's go, Makoto. You've made us late as it is.Makoto:  I was busy with survival training!      
CT06KA0Makoto:  Oh, %001. I didn't see you.  
CT06KA0Makoto:  ....And so, I'm going out with Aki now. I'll see
you later!Aki:  Bye, %001!
<Makoto and Aki leave, hand in hand.%001:  I didn't expect that to happen.%001:  Well.....I'm happy for them.9╟Э╚МД   e f g h  2 ╫