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CT02KA0Kiyomi:  Please wait here a moment, okay?
<%001:  Okay..................................      
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Come on inside, %001.%001:  Thanks.I went into Kiyomi's house.
CT02A0She seems nervous.But I'm even worse than she is.Being in a girl's room alone with her would make
anyone nervous.%001:  Mm?Next to where Kiyomi was sitting, there was a folded up
piece of paper.It's the kind of paper you put in a binder.I wonder what this is?Hmmm.....Maybe it's the training schedule for the baseball team...What?I can see my own name written here and there in the pages.It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the baseball
team.What?This must be Kiyomi's secret plan!Everything's recorded in these pages, from her chasing
Shinji out of the house to her getting me tea...'6:00    Tell my feelings to %001.''6:03    %001 kisses me''6:20    %001 takes me to the bed...'..........Incredible.It's her handwriting, there's no mistake.....She's written an incredible detailed plan!      
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Sorry to keep you waiting.%001:  Wah!!Kiyomi:  !!Kiyomi:  %001, please relax and enjoy yourself.%001:  Ah, thanks.%001:  So where's Shinji?Kiyomi:  He went to his uncle's house with Father.%001:  I see.......We're all alone here.Kiyomi:  How forgetful of me! I forgot to get us some tea!%001:  Don't bother yourself............Too late.
CT02R   ;
CT02RA0Kiyomi:  %001! What are you doing...?!%001:  I'm sorry! I didn't mean to read it!Kiyomi:  ...............................Kiyomi turned as red as a tomato.%001:  .......I'm really sorry...Kiyomi:  ..................%001:  You've...always done so much for me.Kiyomi:  ....I told you before. I like doing things for
you, taking care of you...Kiyomi:  I do things for you because I want to.%001:  ...............................%001:  .....I love you, Kiyomi.Kiyomi:  !!%001:  I want to do something for you...instead of just
having you do things for me.%001:  I want to be with you. You're the one I want.Kiyomi:  %001....!!%001:  Kiyomi... Is there anything I can do for you?Kiyomi:  ...................%001:  .......Like the kiss at 6:03...Kiyomi:  .....Yes. Please.CSE_B_1.OVL%001:  Thanks for the tea.Kiyomi:  It's nothing...I reached out my hand for the cup, but...*SLIP**SPLASH*%001:  Damn!I stupidly spilled oolong tea all over my pants.      
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Hold still!Kiyomi took out a handkerchief and started drying my
pants.%001:  Thanks, Kiyomi.