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CT03RA0Mio and I go to the sakura tree behind the school, where we
first met.%001:  Th- The cherry blossoms will be in bloom again soon...Mio:  You're right.In..............And out.............................................I've got to calm down!In..........And out............................................That's better. I'm calm now.%001:  M- Mio.... I w- want to t-t-talk to y-you...Mio:  What? I can't understand you.Shit! I've got to get ahold of myself!%001:  Mio.Mio:  Yes?%001:  Do you remember the first time we met, under this
tree?Mio:  You remembered that moment, too? I'm so happy!%001:  Yes, I do. I think about it often.%001:  It's just like it was last year, with the sakura
about to bloom. But I'm not the same person I was last year.%001:  I've learned a lot... About myself, and about more.Mio:  %001...%001:  It's just stupid to not push yourself to your full
potential just because you don't want to stand out.%001:  Life's only interesting when you try as hard as 
you can at everything you do.%001:  .....You taught me that, Mio.%001:  You always rooted for me, supported me with all
your heart... That enabled me to try my best.Mio:  ...........%001:  Mio, I want you to be by my side. I love you.     
CT03I   ;
CT03IA0Mio:  ......%001!Tears started welling up in Mio's eyes.Mio:  What? That's strange. I'm really happy...but for
some reason...Mio:  I can't stop crying!I took Mio by the shoulders and pulled her close to me.She closed her eyes, and lifted her face up towards mine.Then the kiss was all we knew.CSE_C_1.OVL