
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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<AE_152Kiyomi:  %001?  Um, I think it might be a little too
early for us...%001:  You think so? But this is such a good plan you
made up.Kiyomi:  ..................................%001:  Let's see here... Next, I'm supposed to call
you 'darling...'%001:  '....For you, I could lift up an elephant with only
one arm.'%001:  I don't think I'm that strong.Kiyomi:  %001....I told you, that plan was just...%001:  'I would part the seas for you, bring...Um, I can't
read your writing here.Kiyomi:  '...bring you roses and silk.'%001:  I don't have any of those with me.Kiyomi:  I told you, this plan is just...%001:  ....At 6:20 I'm supposed to accidentally see your
panties and get excited...%001:  I can see them already, though...Kiyomi:  ................................
<AE_153%001:  ..........................................Kiyomi:  ................Do you like this?I never suspected that Kiyomi could be capable of making
so bold a gesture.I looked at her a long time, as my heart beat in my ears.%001:  ...................It's working.%001:  Kiyomi, are you sure?Kiyomi:  If you really love me...if you promise to remember
this day as long as you live...then I'm sure.Kiyomi:  I'm ready...for what I have to do.%001:  Kiyomi....!I laid her down on the bed.CSE_B_3.OVL%001:  Well, if that's the way you feel...let's stop.Kiyomi:  ....You're going to stop?%001:  ...............No.