
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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Mio:  What are you...?
=AE_143Nearly ripping her pajamas off, I laid Mio back.%001:  Mio...!I gently pet her breasts, which were still hard to the touch.Mio:  Th- That hurts...!I gently pinched her sakura-colored nipples.Mio:  Ah....ahhh...With each movement of my finger, her nipples grew harder.I put her fully errect nipple in my mouth and stimulated
it with my tongue.Mio:  Ahhh!  That feels so strange...!I took hold of Mio's legs and forced them open.Mio:  No, wait...!Wow, her pussy is a lot different from Kyoko-sensei's...Mio:  No, don't look at me!I thrust my tongue into her slit, tasting her juices.Mio:  No, don't! That's....dirty!%001:  There isn't a dirty place on your body, Mio.I...I can't hold it anymore!Taking my hot, pulsing cock in my hand, I thrust it into
the close folds of Mio's pussy.CSE_C_4.OVL