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AE_171I lay down on the bed as I was told.%001:  Like this?Shoko:  .............%001:  Shoko?
< WahShoko:  ......It's time, Shu-kun...%001:  Wait a minute!Shoko:  Shu-kun.... Do you hate me?I had never seen such honesty, such sadness, in those eyes
of hers before.%001:  No. I don't hate you...Shoko:  Then let's fuck!%001:  ........................Shoko:  Please, Shu-kun... I really want to...(What do I do?)%001:  ....Alright, Shoko.Shoko:  Really? I'm so happy!%001:  Wah!?CSE_D_2.OVL%001:  Shoko....I'm sorry. I just can't go through with this.Shoko:  I knew it...%001:  ..........What?Shoko:  You love Reiko more than me!%001:  What?Shoko:  Shu-kun.......Shu-kun noShoko:  BAKA!!!!!=%001:  Shoko?%001:  She's gone.%001:  ...........................%001:  I feel that I've hurt her somehow.%001:  ......................%001:  Guess I'll go to sleep.CS803.OVL