
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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<AB_04_3I borrowed a bicycle that had been left in front of the
station and went to Ruri's apartment.Police:  You on that bicycle!%001:  What? The police?Police:  You, stop immediately!%001:  I'm sorry, but no one can stop me!%001:  Out of my way!!!Police:  Hey! S- Stop!I cut the police car off and rode down a narrow street....................................=*kacha*
9AE_181Ruri:  ...................................%001:  .......Hi.Ruri:  .......................!!She was carrying a shoulder bag with her. She must have
been just about to leave.I made it in time.She's surprised to see me.%001:  Where are you off to so late at night like this?Ruri:  %001...you're bleeding.%001:  Oh, that. I sort of fell off the bicycle.Ruri:  Come in. I'll put a bandage on that for you.%001:  No....don't worry about me.%001:  Why did you leave us and come home by yourself?Ruri:  ..........................Ruri:  Why...?%001:  .................................Ruri:  Why..... Why can't you leave me alone, and let me
worry about my own problems?%001:  Because I love you.Ruri:  ..................................Ruri:  ...Me?%001:  Yes.Ruri:  I don't need your sympathy.%001:  ....................................Ruri:  The one you really love is...that girl you're
always hanging around with...%001:  Makoto looks like a girl, but he's a boy.Ruri:  ...................................%001:  Reiko, and Kiyomi, and Mio, and Aki... They're all
friends, and important to me.%001:  But you're the one I love. It's you, Ruri.%001:  I just wanted you to know it, before it was too