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;AE_185And then Ruri was there, her naked body shining in the
moonlight.%001:  You're beautiful.Ruri:  .....I am? I don't know what beautiful is.%001:  You're more beautiful than I dreamed...%001:  .....I mean...I didn't sit around thinking \
naked or anything...Ruri:  .................She's lying in front of me, offering herself to me.She's beautiful...%001:  I...I feel like I'm dreaming or something...Ruri:  ......Me, too. I dreamed a lot about you, actually,
for a long time..%001:  You did?Ruri:  Yes. I dreamed you were walking with another girl...%001:  ...But I'm here, with you.Ruri:  Are you?%001:  .....What do you mean by that?Ruri:  This could really all be a dream. Mine or...yours.%001:  ....................Ruri:  Maybe it's someone else's dream.%001:  ....Ruri?Ruri:  Maybe I don't even really exist. Or maybe...Ruri:  Maybe I'm the only one in the world, and everyone else
is part of my dream.Ruri:  I'm afraid, %001... I'm not supposed to be this
happy.Ruri:  I'm afraid that someone is going to turn on the 
lights and say, 'Wake up, Ruri. Your dream is over.'%001:  I'm here, Ruri. I'm really here.I took Ruri's hand. It was physically there, in my hand. It
wasn't a dream.I touched her face, to let her know it. She closed her eyes
at my touch.Ruri:  ......It's warm.Ruri:  .....%001, thank you for not giving up on me.She looked at me with her deep brown eyes.%001:  .......Ruri.Ruri:  %001.....Ruri:  ......I'm cold.%001:  .....Come here. I'll warm you.I took her into my arms again, holding her close to me.Ruri:  I'm so happy to be here with you, I can't stand it.%001:  .....Oh, Ruri.%001:  Ruri...We kissed.Ruri:  Oh, I've wanted to do that for so long...She smiled. I wanted her more and more.I kissed her again.The place where my lips had touched hers was sakura-colored.I kissed her a third time, pushing my tongue into her mouth.Her eyes opened at the unexpected intruder, but then closed
slowly, as my tongue probed her mouth.Ruri:  %001, do it again.She closed her eyes and waited for me.I rained kisses on her lips, her eyelids, her cheeks, and 
her neck.I run my fingers along her smooth body.Ruri:  That tickles...I rub her with my open hand, lightly.Ruri:  Mmmm...I rest my hands on her breasts.%001:  You've got a really beautiful body, Ruri...Ruri:  ...........*DIG*%001:  Ouch!Suddenly Ruri dug her fingernails into my hand.Ruri:  That was your punishment for seeing someone naked
besides me.%001:  I won't do anything like that again, I promise!Ruri:  If you're going to look at someone, look at me, 
alright?%001:  .....Just look?Ruri:  .........You can touch, too...%001:  Okay, then...My hand moves down to Ruri's slit. I touched her, and
found her wet center.Ruri:  %001..........Ahhn....Ruri's body, cold from the air, began to get warm.%001:  It's alright, Ruri. I'll be gentle...Ruri:  %001, I have to tell you......%001:  Tell me what?Ruri:  I'm not.... I mean, I've done this before.%001:  .........................Ruri:  ......................%001:  .......I see.Ruri:  There was a boy...at a school I went to last year,
and...%001:  .........................................It wasn't easy for me to hear, of course. I think all men
are the same.I thought of Kyoko-sensei, and everything that she had
taught me.........But her special lessons never prepared me for this.Ruri was watching me intently. Her eyes began to fill
with tears.Ruri:  Are you.....mad?%001:  ............................................Ruri:  I'm not......dirty, am I?I looked at her lying next to me, then. Her small body...
so frail....Ruri was willing to give herself to me now. Because she
loved me.Suddenly, it was alright.%001:  ............I'm not mad. And there isn't a part of
you that's dirty.Ruri:  Thank you.Ruri:  Have you.....before?I nodded.Ruri:  ....Oh.CSE_E_7.OVL