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CT06A0I'm on the roof.%001:  .....Aki...Aki:  Ah, %001. Do you need anything?%001:  ......What?Aki:  I'm kidding. I know why you're here. You're finally
going to tell me, aren't you?%001:  ...........That's right. But I...Aki:  Before you say anything, I have to tell you something.%001:  ...What?Aki:  I'm going out with Makoto.%001:  What?!Aki:  He said he'd die without me, and begged me to be his
girlfriend. What else could I do?

CT14D   <
CT14DA0Makoto:  I didn't exactly beg!Aki:  You're late! Don't you know it's impolite to keep
a lady waiting!Makoto:  Lady? I don't see any ladies around here.Aki:  Let's go, Makoto. You've made us late as it is.Makoto:  I was busy with survival training!

CT14W   <
CT14A0Makoto:  Oh, %001. I didn't see you.     
CT14K   ;
CT14KA0Makoto:  Well, that's the way things are. Take care,
%001.Aki:  Bye, %001!
<......Makoto and Aki walk away together.%001:  W- Wait a minute! Aki!I tried to chase after her, but a hand stopped me.   
CT13A0Dean:  Hello, son.%001:  Dean!Dean:  %001, youth is like an hourglass. You can
never stop the sand from falling. Let her go.%001:  Let go of me! Aki!=........It was my own fault for not making up my mind
sooner.While still recovering from the shock of it all, I was
forced into the Action Hero Show club.Dean:  %001, you're on!%001:  Yes, sir!Dean:  Don't call me sir! Call me Commander!%001:  Yes, Commander!But I'm getting used to it. The students love my performances,
and I'm using my talents to their fullest.Let's see... It's time to greet the incoming first-year