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<%001:  Well, is that all?   
CT06A0Aki:  Yes. Thank you, %001.It was one month later, the last day before Spring vacation
ended and the new school year started in Japan.I was in the gym storage room with Aki, helping clean.%001:  You're really great, Aki, volunteering to clean
up in here. I would never have done that by myself.Aki:  ......W- Well, it got so messy in here over the
past year and all...%001:  Yeah.Aki and I spent our vacation playing tennis.She's gotten really good. She can almost beat me.%001:  Practice is really the way to get good at something.%001:  I'll bet you could easily beat Mio now.Aki:  .....I might be able to get close...Aki:  But I can't beat her yet. I've got to become stronger,
stronger!%001:  ........Aki.....%001:  ....I can't believe a year's passed already...Aki:  Me, too. Aki:  ....%001, will you close your eyes for a second?%001:  What?Aki:  Just close them! And don't open them until I say
it's alright!<%001:  ............ What's she planning...?*rustle rustle*%001:  Aki?Aki:  Don't open your eyes yet!*rustle rustle*%001:  ...What are you doing?
<AE_112 WHAT?!?!Aki:  ......I didn't say you could open your eyes, yet...%001:  .....A- A- Aki!Aki:  ..........................Am I pretty, %001?%001:  Eh?!Aki:  I couldn't help it... Ever since that day, you wouldn't
kiss me or anything...!%001:  ......A- Aki....Aki:  You don't really like me, do you? I'm not pretty...Aki:  You must have told me that you loved me only
because you were sorry for me...%001:  ....Aki......Aki:  I'm tired of sympathy!%001:  Aki!*SLAP*Aki:  !?%001:  Aki, stop this.%001:  You're a strong girl. I know that more than anyone
else...Aki:  ...............................%001:  You give your all, no matter what you're doing. I
really love that about you...Aki:  %001.......%001:  Don't doubt yourself like that, okay?Aki:  %001......Do you really love me?%001:  Yes, I do.Aki:  Then make love to me!%001:  .........?!Aki:  I'm scared, %001. I'm scared I'll wake up someday
and you won't love me anymore!%001:  Aki, that'll never....Aki:  That's why I want you to make love to me! Make me
know that you love me!%001:  ......................%001:  Alright, Aki.CSE_F_2.OVLWe're surrounded by gymnastics equipment.We're totally alone in here.It's Aki, the tomboy of the school.She's pretty to me, though........Mm? She seems a little down about something.She's wearing nothing but striped panties and socks.What is she doing?!