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<When I burst into the lecture hall, most of the other
students were already in their seats.The dean had yet to start his boring speech. I was
in time for the ceremonyNow, where is my seat?Hmmm...Can't find it.I can't see any place to go...How am I supposed to find where to sit?Now what????:  Yamagami-san!%001:  Huh????:  %001 Yamagami-san, over here!I look over to where the voice came from. A woman in
glasses is waving at me.
2AE_002%001:  Uh, hello.Kiyomi:  I'm so relieved. I was worried that you wouldn't
make it to the entrance ceremony.%001:  Uh, yeah...Who the hell is she...?All the freshmen and teachers are here.I'm glad I made it in time.Where have I seen this person before?Looks like she knows me. And it looks like I should know
her...%001:  Uh...Kiyomi:  Sorry, I haven't thanked you yet.%001:  Huh?Kiyomi:  You were a big help. Thank you very much for what you
did.%001:  What?Kiyomi:  Oh, I haven't introduced myself, have I?Kiyomi: I'm Kiyomi Shinfuji. Nice to meet you.%001:  Uh, nice to meet you too.%001:  I'm %001 Yamagami... But you know that already.Kiyomi:  I searched for you for a long time.Kiyomi:  Yamagami is an unusual name. I thought it would
be easy to find you, but...%001:  Um, that's nice.Kiyomi:  It's amazing that we ended up in the same school.
We're even in the same class. It can't be just coincidence.%001:  Um, right...Kiyomi:  We must have been fated to be to be together.%001: ............................................Kiyomi:  Wow. Two spirits, bound together by destiny...This is getting me nowhere...Confusion must be written on my face.Kiyomi:  Could it be? You don't remember?%001:  I'm sorry. I don't remember doing anything to be
thanked for.Kiyomi:  You forgot all about it?Kiyomi:  Then I will just have to tell you. I'm sure you'll
remember.Kiyomi:  It was about a year ago...Dean:  Ahem... All students please rise.Just when she was starting to speak, the ceremony started.       
CT13A0Dean:  I'm Katsuhiko Saito, Dean of Kotobuki
Junior College.Dean:  For the next three years we will shed blood,
sweat, and tears...Dean:  But for now, I want someone to tell me what it
means to be young.Dean:  You at the end of the third row!
Student A:  M- Me?Dean:  Yes you! What is youth to you?
Student A:  Um, sports?Dean:  Sports, huh? Very well!Dean:  And you, the girl next to him?Student B:  ...Love? *blush*Dean:  Ahem! Okay, that'll do!Dean:  ...And studying, is that part of youth? Well?Dean:  Anyway, at Kotobuki Junior College, we try
to meet all of the needs of youth! That is all!Showered the applause of a full hall, the Dean
left the stage.After that the other teachers made their long and boring
speeches. It continued until the dean took the mike
from a city councilman to put an end to the cermony.CS104.OVLCome to think of it, I don't even know what class I'm in.I have to look at the class registry.Have I met her before?She seems to know a lot about me.Could we have been in the same class before?I can't remember her at all.