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╝╜╕о
<After the long entrance ceremony, we at last set foot in 
the classroom.  
CT02A0Kiyomi:  %001?After finding her own seat and putting down her bag, Kiyomi
Shinfuji comes over to me.%001:  Hi, Kiyomi.Kiyomi:  Why is it that when the year starts, seating is
decided by student number?Kiyomi:  I was hoping I could sit next to you. Or at least
behind you...Kiyomi:  I wonder how long it will be before the professor
changes our seats?%001:  Hmm. Probably about two weeks or so.I found myself wondering what kind of professor we'd get.???:  Okay, everyone. Take your seats.Kiyomi:  Ah, the professor is here.Kiyomi went back to her own seat.
2AE_024Kyoko:  Congratulations on entering this school.Kyoko:  It must have been boring for you to sit and listen
to all those adults making boring speeches.Kyoko:  So I'll keep my greetings short.Kyoko:  I am your homeroom professor, Kyoko Kobayashi. I'm
really happy to meet you all!
2AE_003The professor passed out our schedule and phone contact list.This is an odd-looking guy.Every class seems to have someone like him.She's listening to the professor and taking notes.Kiyomi looks like she studies a lot.Looks like a quiet type. But I bet she's not always like that.There is a cross hanging from her neck. She must be a
Christian.Hmm, looks like an outspoken person.She looks pretty young. But she handles herself with
confidence, so I doubt if she's a new professor.I wonder how old she is....I'm glad we got a friendly one.Some professors are really violent... That would suck.I guess you would call her beautiful. Can't really tell yet.Kyoko:  The daily cleaning will be done by two students, one
man and one woman.Kyoko:  We will make five-person work groups. Those groups 
will do the cleaning in rotation.Group one is from here to here. Group two from here to here...I ended up in group three after the professor was done.Kyoko:  Everyone decide on one group leader each.Kyoko:  Afterward, we have to decide a representative to
the student council. But since we don't know each other
that well yet, we'll do it later.Kyoko:  But for now, lets have a party!Silence fell over the classroom.Is she serious? No, she can't be....Kyoko:  Everyone push your desks to the back of the room.Saying that, the professor pulled out a bottle of sake and
some chips.She's serious! 
CT07DA0???:  Um, Sensei, don't we have to do self introductions
or something? You know, like Japanese always do?In the midst of confusion, one woman got up and questioned
the professor.Kyoko:  Okay, then, let's do self-introductions. What's
your name?Seia:  My name is Seia Yoshida, student number 36.Seia:  If you really intend to have a party in the classroom,
I'll have no choice but to question your sanity.Seia:  Bringing alchohol to school is a violaton of the
trust placed in you as an educator. It could mean your
license.......Wow, she's spunky.      
CT14A0???:  Yes, but rather than just getting up and introducing
ourselves like everyone always does, a party is a better way
to get to know each other.Kyoko:  That's right! Uh, Makoto Shimazaki, it's just
like you say!Then she went on...Kyoko:  In the past, you have done the standard one-minute
self-introduction speech. But how much of that do you
remember?She's right. It's really hard to remember forty people's names
all at once........At least I can't do it.    
CT07DA0Seia:  I'm sorry, but drinking in the sacred halls of
learning is far from common sense.

CT08D   <
CT08DA0???:  Yeah, its like Seia says. I have never heard of a
professor who lets her students drink.Kyoko:  Really? It isn't that unusual in this school. Um,
what's your name?Meimi:  Meimi Nakano. This school is really weird.Kyoko:  It's because our pricipal is weird......Over the course of a few minutes, the class divided
into two groups.The professor and Makoto Shimazaki lead those for having
the party. Seia Yoshida and Meimi Nakano were on the
opposing side.Before I knew it, I was the only one who was yet to choose
2AE_003Kyoko:  What side are you on, %100 Yamagami?%001:  I don't care. Either one is fine with me.Meimi:  You have to make up your mind!%001:  ....Why?     
CT14A0Makoto:  You're a member of this class. Think about it.Makoto:  If you don't want to take sides, why don't you
come up with an alternative?%001:  An alternative?Makoto:  For example: college students shouldn't drink,
so let's have a party without alchohol.Kyoko:  Hey! that's no fun...Meimi:  Sensei!Before I knew it the decision was in my hands. The entire
class was looking to me.I can't take sides now. If I do, half the class will never
forgive me............What the hell should I do?Just then, a sight from out the window caught my eye.
The cherry blossoms were in full bloom.%001:  Well...%001:  We can't go making a lot of noise in school. Why
don't we plan a cherry blossom-viewing party? It would 
be a good study of Japanese culture.Makoto:  Hey, that's a great idea!   
CT08A0Seia:  I don't mind that.Kyoko:  Yes...cherry blossoms. It's our duty as Japanese
to do it! We'll plan it for next weekend!Meimi:  The only one drinking will be you, Sensei!It looks like everyone is in agreement.Kyoko:  Okay, that's settled. And now...Kyoko:  %001 and Makoto. You two are nominated to be the
party committee.%001:  Huh? Party committee!?Makoto:  In other words, we're in charge of the cherry
blossom-viewing party?Kyoko:  That's right. That is if there are no objections?Kyoko:  Seia and Meimi are the student council representatives.Meimi:  No way! Me?!Seia:  If it is agreeable to everyone, I accept the duty....Those two got right on with their jobs. They decided
who would be in charge of keeping the class clean, who
would get library duty and so on.Then, school was over.        
CT14KA0Makoto:  %001, shall we scout a good spot for the cherry
blossom viewing later?%001:  Sure, let's go.Makoto:  By the way, I'm Makoto Shimazaki.%001:  I'm %001 Yamagami.Makoto:  Let's try down by the river first.I leave the school with Makoto Shiazaki.And that is how I ended the first day of shool.
CT02A0Kiyomi:  %001, is it okay if we walk home together?      
CT02I   ;
CT02IA0Kiyomi:  Huh........Kiyomi:  Looks like he's alredy left.Kiyomi:  That's too bad. And I was going to finish the
rest of the story.......CS201.OVL