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CT01IA0I woke up in the nurse's office. Reiko followed me all the
way back to the classroom.Reiko:  %001, I'm really sorry.%001:  I said it was okay. It was just an accident.Reiko:  But...Reiko was staring at my mouth.%001:  Is there something on my face?        
CT01V   ;
CT01VA0Reiko:  Oh. It's nothing.Reiko blushed bright red.???Could it be? Reiko gave me mouth-to-mouth?Wow, how cool...Reiko:  Anyway, it was my fault that you almost died.%001:  And I said it was okay.        
CT01K   ;
CT01KA0Reiko:  To make it up to you, I'll teach you how to swim.%001:  Huh?Makoto and everyone was looking at me with strange smiles
on their faces.Makoto:  %001, you are such a ladies' man.%001:  That's nobody's business!Makoto:  Just call me nobody.%001:  Makoto, say something to them for me!Makoto:  Something.%001:  Makoto!!Makoto:  Sorry, %001. I don't want to get mixed up in this.Reiko:  %001 is going to join the swim team. After all, he
didn't beat me.%001:  You can't...!Kiyomi:  That's not fair!%001:  Kiyomi.  
CT02A0Reiko:  If he doesn't beat me, I win. We had an agreement.Reiko:  I'll make him into a fine swimmer.%001:  I don't want to be a fine swimmer!Kiyomi:  %001, the baseball team's challenge is not over
yet.%001:  What?Kiyomi:  You make 56 runs, %001. If the baseball team
makes 57 runs against you, we win.%001:  What!?Mio:  %001...%001:  It's Mio.      
CT03A0Kiyomi:  %001, the baseball team is up now.Kiyomi:  Let's go to the field.%001:  Are you going to pretend that I didn't beat you, too?Mio:  No. You beat me.Mio:  But, %001, wasn't it fun?%001:  ......................%001:  Yes....it was.Of all the challenges today, Mio's tennis was the most fun.I won. But it was only because Mio made me give it my all.Come to think about it, it's been a real long time since
anyone had me use all my strength. 
CT02DA0Reiko:  But I won!Kiyomi:  The baseball team's challenge is not over!Mio:  %001 said that tennis was fun!%001:  Excuse me?All:  Be quiet, %001!%001:  Excuse me!Oh brother...Poke, poke.%001:  Hmm?Somebody was poking me in the back, so I turned around.
CT04A0???:  Now is your chance, %001!%001:  Who are you????:  No time to explain. Come with me!%001:  Uh, okay.Who is this?I follow the woman, leaving the other three behind......................
<Reiko:  Isn't that right, %001!........%001?Kiyomi:  %001?Mio:  %001?Kiyomi:  Makoto, do you know where %001 has gone off to?Makoto:  Some senior woman took him off somewhere.Reiko:  Why didn't you say something?!Makoto:  You three were yelling so loud, you wouldn't
have heard me anyway.Mio:  I have a bad feeling about this. We better find him!Kiyomi:  So we call it a truce for now and cooperate to
find %001?Reiko:  No objections here. Let's go you two!CS212.OVL