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6AE_006The next day was the day for our group's cherry blossom-
viewing party. Everyone showed up.Kyoko:  ...Number 21, Kyoko Kobayashi! One bottle of gin,
down the hatch!Kyoko:  *GLUG GLUG GLUG*Kyoko:  Ahhhhh....All:  Incredible.Happy with the attention she was getting, Kyoko-sensei
sat down again.She opened a new bottle and started filling a 'chawan,' a 
traditional Japanese sake cup.%001:  How can she drink so much?Kyoko:  Okay, who wants to get up and perform for everyone?
At cherry blossom-viewing parties, everyone must
perform something. Meimi:  Hey, %001, what are you going to perform?%001:  You're drunk, too!Meimi:  Ahhahahaha!%001:  ..........................Kyoko:  That's right. %001, perform something.%001:  Oh shit...He's doing his imitation of a character from that game,
Street of Fire II.Now he's doing something else.I think it was a scene from an old movie. I'm not quite
sure.After all, I only watch anime and science fiction.e6е He seems to be having fun, so I'll leave him alone.She is standing against the tree, looking at the cherry
blossoms.She doesn't seem to be a strong drinker.She's singing a song for everyone.It's some song that has been running on TV commercials
lately.Reiko sure sings well.. I certainly couldn't do it.f6е Reiko:  .....................%001:  .........I know that she's drunk. But someone who didn't know that
might mistake her for a retarded person.She is looking at the professor with a worried look on her
face.....I can't blame her.Kiyomi was doing some magic tricks.A simple trick using playing cards.....Come to think of it, why did she bring cards with
her tonight?I wonder if she always carries them...................I wonder if she planned to do the tricks.......................She certainly makes it look easy.g6е Kiyomi sure worries a lot. Kyoko-sensei is an adult. I'm
sure she knows her limit.She's watching Makoto's performance, laughing........She certainly has a good attitude.Mio's singing some song.Kyoko-sensei made her get up and sing.They should leave her alone. The poor girl...............................h6е She's got a nice voice.She was sitting off on the side. It looks like she's been
drinking.Maybe it's just me, but her face seems awfully red. She
must have drunk a lot.........Come to think of it, Seia hasn't performed anything
for us yet.I wouldn't want to force her to do anything she didn't
want to do.I don't want to do anything, myself. I understand how she
must feel.k6е ....There is something mysterious about her.Meimi:  ....%001! Why are you staring at me like that?!.................................Nevermind.Her performance was..... What was it?Catching five flower petals in one hand went over really
well with everyone.These party performances can be anything, it looks
like. Maybe I should get it overwith.i6е Meimi:  Hey %001, is that your performance? Staring
at people?%001:  Huh?%001:  Who said I wanted to perform for everyone,
anyway?I better stop talking to her. I think she's mad.She's holding the sake cup, lovingly.She's a little red in the face. But to tell the truth,
she doesn't seem that drunk...................................It's hard to tell with her.She just did her performance......drinking a whole bottle
of gin....Everyone loved it.j6е Kyoko:  ...What is it, %001? You've been staring at me all
night.%001:  Oh, nothing.Kyoko:  Oh no. You were going to ask if you could perform
for everyone next, right?%001:  No. I wasn't thinking anything like that.Kyoko:  Go right ahead. I expect something big from you.%001:  ...Uh, yeah. Whatever...Better stop. She'll probably make me get up in front
of everyone.%001:  ...Seia?Seia:  It's okay, Meimi.It's my turn, now...!Meimi:  Seia? W- Wait...!%001:  Seia, your eyes are spinning.Seia:  .....My name is Seia Yoshida, and I will catch more
sakura petals than %001!Meimi:  No, Seia!Kyoko:  Ooh, yeah!All:  Go! Go!While we all watched, Seia proceeded toward the cherry tree
at a dangerous gait. I wasn't sure what was happening.Seia:  ....Oooooh...... Ah!*SLIP* *CRASH*She hit the tree her head. It made a terrible sound, like
chopping a large piece of onion.Meimi:  Ooooh....
All:  Aaaaah.%001:  ..........I rushed to Seia's side to see if she was alright.Meimi:  How is she?%001:  Doesn't seem that bad. She'll have a bump though.Meimi:  I'm glad it's not that bad.%001:  You two are really close.Meimi:  Huh? Well, yeah, we've been friends since elementary
school.%001:  Is that so?I've never had a friend like that. I'm envious.Meimi:  ...What's wrong, %001?%001:  Uh, nothing. What are we going to do with her?
We should get her in bed.Meimi:  That's a good idea.Kyoko:  %001, could you take Seia home? I'll draw you a
map so you know how to get there.%001:  Okay.Meimi:  I'll go too!%001:  I can manage myself. She's not very heavy.Kyoko:  That's right. You really don't have to go along,
Meimi. Hold on while I draw the map....................................Kyoko:  Here you go, one map.Kyoko:  Okay, get going.%001:  I'll be back in a bit.I picked up Seia, whose eyes were still spinning, and left
the park.................................Meimi:  ...................Kyoko:  Are you worried about Seia?Meimi:  ....................Kyoko:  It's okay. There's nothing to worry about.Meimi:  ......................Kyoko:  Let's have another drink or ten, Meimi. It looks
like you haven't had enough to drink.Meimi:  ........What?Kyoko:  Come on! Let's go!=CS305.OVLMeimi:  ...........%001:  Why are you looking at me like that?%001:  .....Are you mad that I copied your performance?%001:  I'm sorry. It was all I could think of...Meimi:  Uh, yeah, it's okay.%001:  If you're sure.Seia:  .....Hehehehe!%001:  .....What's wrong with her?Meimi:  S- Seia?This has been going on for two hours.
Everyone in class 1-A had gotten together for our professor's
'Drink as much as you want' challenge.
I understand her giving sake to Makoto, but she even had
Meimi going.Man, our professor is really awful.
Meimi:  .....Hey, %001! It's your turn to perform for us!
Hurry up!Meimi gets really bad when she's drunk.
Her performance had been interesting, though.She stood up and said, Hello, everyone, my name is Meimi
Nakano!' I will do my special performance.Then she caught cherry blossom petals in her hands.
It all went down the drain after that.Sure, performances are part of a party. I have no
problem with that.................................I just had no idea what to do.
Meimi:  ......Hey, %001. Hurry up!!!............................Oh shit.What should I do?...................................................................................................I can't think of anything........I know. I'll just copy someone else.I mean, it isn't a matter of life or death. Anything
will do. At least they'll leave me alone after that.I should copy someone's performance...I know.Hmm, Meimi is the only person whose performance I could
copy well enough.%001:  Okay, here I go.Kyoko:  You kept us waiting long enough.Meimi:  Hurry up, %001!I stood up and walked over to the cherry tree.%001:  ......Uh, hello, my name is %001 Yamagami. I'll
catch the flying flower petals.Shoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoooosh!All:  ................%001:  ..................Huh?......I guess the second time around isn't as impressive.Reiko:  ......W
Kiyomi:  .....O
Mio:  ........W!All:  Great!!Kyoko:  Way to go, seven petals in each hand! Amazing,
%001. Fourteen petals in one catch!Makoto:  Not only that, he has them caught between his
fingertips too. I knew there was a reason I hung out
with you, %001.I'm glad that went over well.......Ah.  efghijk