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DLT`l&.:?  4:?  LOOKTALKMIOAKI.:╬.?ё4:Ж4?!р
CT03KA0Mio:  Thanks for waiting, %001.%001:  Ah, Mio. Where are Reiko and Kiyomi?Mio:  They're still shopping.???:  Mio!
9AE_015Mio:  Eh...?Mio:  Aki....%001:  So she's a friend of yours, Mio?Mio:  Well...Aki:  Since when am I your friend?!Mio:  !!%001:  What's going on here?Mio, upset, is looking up at Aki.Aki's challenging Mio with her eyes.%001:  I guess you're on the tennis team together?Mio:  That's right, Aki Hinagiku is in my class.%001:  So you're a tennis star?Aki:  That's right. The whole world will tremble in the
face of my talent!Wow, I guess there's nothing I can say to that...%001:  Why are you such enemies?Mio:  Well, Aki transferred to our school last year. She'd
been living in America.Mio:  Well, she said she played tennis where she was
before, and joined the tennis team. Then she played a
match with me...Aki:  Right! And at that time I suffered a crushing defeat!Aki:  But I'm certainly not the same person I was then!Aki:  I'm the one who's going to break your winning streak!
I'm the one who is invincible!%001:  Mio, don't you want to say anything?Mio:  Mmm.f6<Aki:  Well, just so you know, Mio, I have never once
thought of you as my friend.What Aki said seemed to hit Mio pretty hard.Aki:  We are nothing but arch-rivals. I have no desire to
be buddies with you!Mio:  Aki......%001:  So what do you want?Aki:  I wanted to see the person who beat Mio at tennis.Aki:  There is noone who can beat Mio, only me.Aki:  So, Mio, you think you're my rival even if you lose
to this fool, here?She pointed her finger in my direction.%001:  ...Fool?Mio:  That's not true! %001 is a naturally talented
player!Aki:  Well if he's so great, then why isn't he famous?Mio:  What...!?Aki:  ....I think I see it, now. You must have let him win, 
didn't you?Aki:  Okay, Mio, let's say you didn't lose to %001. We
won't count it.Mio:  ....?e6<  ef
 Aki:  Well, I was going to challenge you because you beat
Mio, but.....%001:  Why, because beating me would mean beating Mio?Aki:  But never mind. If Mio was really trying, you
certainly couldn't have beaten her like that.Aki:  But I will laugh last! I will have great pleasure
in humiliating you on the court!Aki:  I'd practice some more if I were you!6Aki disappeared up the staircase.     
CT03IA0Mio:  Aki.........

CT02F   <
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Sorry to keep you waiting.

#CT01F   <
#CT01A0Reiko:  That woman you were talking to, is she a friend of
yours, Mio?%001:  Oh, Kiyomi and Reiko...Kiyomi:  What happened?        
CT03K     ;
CT03KA0Mio:  Oh, nothing.Poor Mio...Mio:  Where d'you want to go next?
9After going to several more stores, I left the three of
them at the station, and went home...................................

#CT01F   <
#CT01A0Reiko:  ...Did something happen between you and that
woman, Mio?

CT03F     <
CT03A0Mio:  Well...Reiko:  You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.

CT02F   <
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Well, if you want to tell us, I'm sure we can
help you. It's always better when you share your problems
with others.Mio:  Thanks...................................=CS407.OVL