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<The second day of Golden Week...%001:  *YAWN*After a great stretch, I put down the comic book I was
reading and lay down on the bed.%001:  Boy, doing nothing is great, too.       
CT10A0Hidemi:  Shu-chan!%001:  What's up, Mom?Hidemi:  One of your friends is here.%001:  Eh? Who?*KACHA*        
CT14DA0Makoto:  %001!Suddenly the window opened, and Makoto climbed in.BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! As I turned around, I felt something like tiny pebbles hit
my body.%001:  What the hell...?Makoto:  Yes! That was a full hit!Makoto had shot me with his air gun.He's wearing a military getup, and was holding his stupid
air gun.She's her usual relaxed self.Dad's standing haughtily outside the window Makoto
came in.%001:  What the hell are you doing?Makoto:  This is your punishment.%001:  What?Makoto:  For going out all alone yesterday with those three
women.Nobuyuki:  Wow! Is that right, %001? 
CT14DA0My father came climbing in behind Makoto.

CT14F   <
CT14A0Makoto:  Captain! My mission was successful!Makoto saluted my father.(...Captain...?)%001:  Makoto, what are you thinking, shooting me like
that?Makoto:  Well, I thought you would get out of the way in
time.%001:  How could I when I didn't even know you were
there?!Makoto:  Well, they were rubber bullets, so they didn't
hurt, right?%001:  They hurt plenty!Makoto:  Let's play a survival game, %001!%001:  Not interested, thanks.Makoto:  So, you spent all day yesterday shopping with
some women, and now, you don't want to play one little
game of survival with me?Makoto:  Is that how you treat your best friend?Hidemi:  Shu-chan, you should be nice to your friends.%001:  Okay, I give up!Makoto:  All right! Good man.Makoto:  We can go to the riverbed I always use.Makoto:  Let's go, %001.e6■ %001:  Why are you saluting my father?Makoto:  The ambush was your father's idea.Nobuyuki:  We got your mother to distract you so we could
attack you from behind! Pretty good, eh? Are you mad, %001?%001:  Is it legal for kids to divorce their family in
Japan?Nobuyuki:  I'm surprised you were doing '4P' already!%001:  That's not what Makoto meant!f6■   ef
 Nobuyuki:  So tell me more about these women.Makoto:  Well, first there's one called Reiko...%001:  Makoto! Let's go!I grabbed him by the collar and ran out of the room...........................................................=Nobuyuki:  Well, %001 has suddenly turned into quite an
adult.Hidemi:  If another woman steals my little Shu-chan away,
Hidemi will be really sad...........................
=Makoto:  ...So, is your Dad into survival training like me?
too?%001:  Why do you ask?Makoto:  Well, he seemed to know what he was doing.Makoto:  But he couldn't have fought in any wars. He's
too young.I won't tell him the truth, that my father's a peeping tom...%001:  Well, let's get moving! Will you lend me a gun?Makoto:  Which do you want, an M16A or an AK74?%001:  What?Makoto:  Or how about a handgun? A 9 mm Beretta or a 357-
caliber Desert Eagle?%001:  ....I'll leave it up to you.See, there's the riverbed. There we won't bother anybody.....
plus, it's free.%001:  But it looks like there's someone there!Makoto:  No way! This is my secret spot! Who could it be?CS408.OVL