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<I'm in front of the station.eeeff  fgg
ghhhefgh
eCS411.OVLIt's Golden Week, so there are a lot of people out.Lots of people travel during Golden Week, of course.On the other hand, all the hotels get expensive this time
of year. I wouldn't spend the money, personally.I wonder what everyone is doing?Hmm, where should I go now?When you think fast food, you think of M-Burger. It's a
famous chain of restaurants.They recently lowered their prices, so students like me
who don't have much money go there all the time now.It doesn't taste all that good, but at least it's cheap.Citizens' Park is a good place to relax.It's a big department store, Maru-One. We call it 'Zero
One' sometimes. I went there with Reiko and everyone
yesterday.It's a game center, called Babel. They always have the
newest games there.I am a little hungry.I guess I'll get something to eat at M-Burger.CS410_2.OVLI just went there. I'm not hungry right now.I guess I'll feed the pigeons or something.CS410_3.OVLI'm tired of the park.I was with Reiko and the others yesterday, so I didn't
get to buy anything I wanted. Guess I'll do that now.CS410_4.OVLI don't want to go again. I'll just have to carry
everything around with me.There's nothing like spending time at a game center when
you've got free time.CS410_5.OVLI already went there.