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<This is M-Burger. It's filled with high school students
right now.Girl:  Welcome to M-Burger! Would you like to try our new
Liver Burger today?%001:  I'd like a Teriyaki Chicken Burger, please.Girl:  Thank you. Will that be for here or to go?%001:  Here.Girl:  Okay. Please wait a moment........Girl:  Here you are. One Teriyaki Chicken Burger set. That
will be 412 yen.Girl:  Thank you very much. Have a nice day.I sit down at a nearby seat.eThe lunch rush is over, but it's still pretty crowded in
here.It says 'smile 0 yen' on the menu. I've never ordered one,
though.I wonder if anyone orders a smile 'to go.'It's Golden Week, but some people are in here wearing
suits.Guess they must be working.There's a couple over there.Man:  Open your mouth and say 'ah...'Woman:  Ahhh.................Silly.There are quite a few high school students here. All
wearing their uniforms. It makes me remember those days.They lowered their prices recently, so students like me
come here a lot.They import their food from America. When the yen got
stronger, their prices started to come down.I wish other restaurants would lower their prices.*gobble**chew chew*I finish my food.Guess I'll leave now.I leave M-Burger.Woman:  Thank you very much.CS410_1.OVL