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jPgдWАа5\  kcН┐
<I'm in the park.fThis is Citizen's Park.It's a nice warm day. Guess I'll just hang out for a while.Pigeons love to gather in the park.So of course there are a lot of people selling food for
the pigeons.Couples meet at the fountain a lot. There are a lot of
them around.They're wandering around this way and that, looking hungry.Guess I'll give them something.Several pigeons gather around where I dropped some food.It's kind of strange to have a big spread-out park like
this in the middle of the downtown area.There's some talk that they're going to close the park
down, sell the land, and put more buildings here.I don't think the pigeons would like that much.I buy some pigeon food.Suddenly there are a million pigeons around me.%001:  Don't be in such a rush.%001:  There's plenty for everyone.I just fed the pigeons. I'm sure they've had enough.I sit down on a bench.The sun shines on me, warming me.%001:  Ah, this is great.Well, guess I'll go somewhere else.I leave the park.CS410_1.OVL