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AB_43_1???:  Um, excuse me...?%001:  Mm?      
CT11A0I turned around, and there was a young boy in front of me.%001:  Who are you?Boy:  I'm, um... Er...%001:  Yes?He seems to be trying to tell me something.Have I seen him before? I can't remember.He's really nervous, for some reason.Boy:  I.... I, um.....%001:  Yes, what is it?Boy:  ................................Boy:  Um, may I ask... May I ask what you're doing today?%001:  Nothing much. I had some free time, so I thought
I'd hang around downtown.Boy:  R- Really? Well, me, too.%001:  Is there something you need me for?Boy:  Yes! Er, that is, I wanted to thank you...%001:  Thank me?%001:  I have to tell you right out, I have no idea what
you're talking about.Boy:  What?%001:  Have I met you before?   
CT11I   ;
CT11IA0Boy:  You don't....you don't remember me?Tears started to well up in the boy's eyes.%001:  No, don't cry! I'm sorry for forgetting! I just
have a bad memory, that's all!%001:  Will you tell me where we met before? I'm sure
it'll all come back to me.%001:  Um, what's your name?Boy:  Shinji Shinfuji.%001:  Did you say Shinfuji?%001:  You must be Kiyomi's little brother!Shinji:  That's right...%001:  And? What do you have to thank me for?Shinji:  I was almost hit by a truck. You saved my life.%001:  I did?Shinji:  It was raining that day. I had gone to bring an
extra umbrella to my sister.Wait, I think I remember what he's talking about.It was about a year ago.That's right. He ran out into the street, and I pushed
him out of the way at the last minute.%001:  I do remember that, now.%001:  So you're that boy...       
CT11A0Shinji:  I was so shocked, I didn't get a chance to thank
you then...Shinji:  So I promised myself I'd thank you the next time I 
saw you.Ah, this must be what Kiyomi was talking about the first
day I met her.Shinji:  Thank you very much for saving my life.%001:  Huh? Oh, it was nothing.Shinji:  Well, I'll see you later...
<Shinji departs.Both he and his sister were looking for me for the past
year. I feel kind of bad, like I've imposed on them or
something........................................Well, guess I'll head home.............................................Hmmm...I just had a thought. I wonder if Ruri is staring at the
river again today.Maybe I'll stop by and see on my way home.<CS412.OVLHe seems to want to say something to me.I wish I could remember if I've met him before or not.He's really nervous.He wants to thank...me?Did I ever do anything for this kid?I don't even remember meeting him before.He's Kiyomi's little brother.