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BNZd (  .4;  LOOKTALKREIKOSHOKO.4]+╘      .;@
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AB_36_4It's late June. The month-long Japanese rainy season has
just started.I hate this time of year. That's why I'm happy the entire
school is off to Hokkaido for our school camp, because
Hokkaido is far enough north to not have rainy season.%001:  Hmmm...I was struggling over a blank sheet of paper, trying to
figure out what to write. 
CT07A0Meimi:  Well? Did you decide?%001:  No, not yet.Seia:  You have to turn your paper in by tomorrow morning,
so you'd better hurry.%001:  I know that.Makoto:  Why are you taking so long?Makoto:  Just decide the people you want to be in the same 
group with at camp and write it on the form.Makoto:  You don't even know if you'll get to be with them,
anyway.%001:  You're right...  
#CT01KA0Reiko:  %001!
Mio:  %001!Mio & Reiko:  Let's eat lunch together!

CT02K   <
CT02KA0Kiyomi:  Hello, Reiko and Mio. How are you?
defghijklmI can't decide who I want to be grouped with at camp
right now. There're too many people around.The air's getting hot, wouldn't you say?Reiko:  %001, did you decide who you wanted to be with at camp?%001:  No, not yet.Reiko:  In that case....... 
Shoko:  Choose me, okay?%001:  ..................................Reiko:  ..................................Shoko:  Huh? What did I say? Everyone got so serious all
of the sudden.

#CT01D   <
#CT01DA0Reiko:  Shoko! What are you doing here?!     
CT04D     ;
CT04DA0Shoko:  If you're allowed to be here, I am too!Reiko:  No, you aren't! Now off with you!     
CT04I     ;
CT04IA0Shoko:  You're so mean, Reiko! I... I'm going to cry!Reiko:  I said leave!Reiko:  %001, never mind Reiko, okay? She's not worth talking
CT04D     ;
CT04DA0Shoko:  Ah! I can't believe you said that! That's *slender*!Kiyomi:  Excuse me, I think the word you're looking for
is *slander*.Shoko:  Whatever. She's so mean. I hate her!Reiko:  As if you're perfect.  
CT04K     ;
CT04KA0Shoko:  I'm not perfect, but I'm not mean like you.Reiko:  Liar!Reiko:  %001, you haven't forgotten about what happened
the first week, have you?%001:  ......No.e6+
CT04K     ;
CT04KA0Shoko:  %001, I want to make curry for you. Would that
make you happy?Reiko:  I wouldn't if I were you, %001. Shoko's cooking is
CT04D     ;
CT04DA0Shoko:  At least I can cook! What can you do?Reiko:  What did you say to me?%001:  Did she say 'at least'....? 
CT04K     ;
CT04KA0Shoko:  %001, %001, do you want to take a romantic walk
on the beach tonight?Reiko:  Don't you mean *erotic* walk?Shoko:  Oh, Reiko. You're such a bad woman.Reiko:  Keep your observations to yourself, thanks.%001:  .........................................They're really going at it.Shoko:  Shuji...I've got the ice cubes.%001:  ........Great.f6+
 *DING DONG DING DONG*%001:  Ah, it's the bell.Shoko:  Okay, well, I'll see you later.Reiko:  Whatever you do, don't write Shoko's name on that
<%001:  ...........Hmmmm.CS501_1.OVL