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LT^fz(.:AF  4:  LOOKTALKREIKOSKYCAVE.:¤.Ae.F*4:r╒4\r╒       Reiko:  Ah, we're soaked...%001:  Hang on. I'll make a fire.I took out my lighter and got a small fire going.
;AE_017She's soaked. I can see her bra through her shirt.Reiko:  Hey! Don't look at me...!%001:  I'm sorry!%001:  It doesn't look like it's going to stop for a while.Reiko:  What are we going to do?%001:  We'll just have to wait it out.Reiko:  You're right.Suddenly, the sky above us was clearing.We're near the entrance, but the cave seems to go on for
quite a ways.Reiko:  I wonder how far this cave goes on for.%001:  Maybe there's a bear back there, waiting to eat us.Reiko:  If so, I'm sure we'd see some tracks on the ground.%001:  Do you want to explore the cave?Reiko:  No. I'm sure there's nothing back there.%001:  I don't know. Maybe we can find some bones or something.Reiko:  ......Stop that!Reiko:  I'll bet everyone's worried about us.%001:  We'll go back when the rain lets up.Reiko:  %001, there was something I've wanted to ask you...%001:  I'm sorry, I really don't want to join the swimming
club...Reiko:  No, that's not what I was going to ask...Reiko:  Do you remember the cherry blossom viewing party
back in April?%001:  Sure. How could I forget?Reiko:  I had perfect attendance up to that day, too...Reiko:  Anyway, the night before the party, you said
something that stuck in my mind.Reiko:  You said you won't get into any sport or anything
until you meet someone better than you.%001:  ......I remember.Reiko:  I think that's wrong.Reiko:  I've met a lot of really incredible people, especially 
since I started swimming.Reiko:  If I hadn't gotten involved with swimming, I would
never have met them.Reiko:  If you just sit around, you won't find anyone who
impresses you.Reiko:  I don't care if it's tennis or baseball, or
whatever. I think you should get involved with something.Reiko:  If you do, you'll encounter a lot of people who
really challenge you.%001:  ...But what if the person I meet is ten times
better at that sport than I am?Reiko:  Then you have to work hard and get better than
they are.%001:  ...I'm not convinced,though.Reiko:  Why not?%001:  I don't know.%001:  I'm just afraid that everyone will end up hating
me because I'm better than them... Just like before.%001:  I don't want to go through that again...Reiko:  ........................%001:  The rain's letting up.Reiko:  It is?Reiko:  *ACHOO*!%001:  We'd better get back and change before we catch
colds.Reiko:  Okay. Let's go.We picked up the firewood and headed back to camp.CS505.OVL