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#CT14IA0Later that night.....We all ate Mio's curry and now sat around the fire,
relaxing after the long day.%001:  ......Look at all those stars.He's stumming his guitar, singing.I wonder what the name of the song is. I haven't heard it
before.She's listening to Makoto singing.Does she like to sing?Now that I think about it, she was singing in the park
when we had flower viewing. I guess she likes music
after all.She's reading a book.She's going to hurt her eyes, reading in the dark like
this........Well, she'll ruin them more than they already are.She's stacking firewood.Something about her seems strangely grown-up. I wonder
what it is.She's sitting next to me, pushing her body up against
mine.She's not going to sleep next to me too, is she?She's looking up at the sky.She's writing letters in the sand, and looking up at
the stars.I've never seen her quiet like this.I wonder what she's thinking.She's eating again.Where did she get dried squid, anyway?She's staring at the campfire.She's probably listening to Makoto's song at the same
time.Some of the others are talking about tomorrow's schedule.Reiko:  So what's the schedule for tomorrow, anyway?     
CT03A0Mio:  We're all going fishing.%001:  Fishing? Are we going to cook the fish for dinner?Mio:  Yes. And there's no food for tomorrow. We have to
catch our own dinners.%001:  ........Are you serious?Mio:  Yes...................This has to be the dean's idea.
%001:  What else are we doing tomorrow?Mio:  That's all that's planned...   
CT06DA0Aki:  You can't be serious!Aki:  Everyone has to catch something tomorrow if
they want to eat?%001:  It'll be hard, but we'll get enough fish somehow.
%001:  Fishing...Aki:  You might be better off catching fish with your bare
hands, %001.%001:  I could never do that.Aki:  Why not?%001:  I'd have to get into the water.Aki:  ........Are you afraid of water or something?%001:  .....Yes.Aki:  Poor fool.
Anyway, we're going fishing tomorrow.Makoto's still singing.  
#CT14IA0He's still singing.Makoto:  Thank you.I guess he's finished.Everyone is clapping. Suddenly he hands the guitar to me.        
#CT14A0Makoto:  Here, %001.%001:  What?Makoto:  You play something.%001:  I can't play the guitar!Makoto:  Don't try to lie. I saw the guitar in your room.        
CT03A0Mio:  %001, can you really play the guitar? Oh, please
play for us!%001:  ..............Okay, but just one song.Everyone:  Yay!Hmmm....I take a moment to tune the instrument, and then start
to play.I can only play one song, anyway.%001:  I look up, into the sky.
Cherry blossoms are falling like snow.
Why do they bloom, then die so soon?%001:  Some people say that's what life is all about.%001:  But the season of the sakura never ends...
As long as there is love in the world.%001:  ...............Well?Everyone:  ...............YAY!Makoto:  You're pretty good!%001:  Well, it's the only song I know.        
CT06A0Aki:  Makoto, can I play something?Makoto:  Nope.Aki:  Why not?Makoto:  I don't want you to break my guitar.  
CT06D   ;
CT06DA0Aki:  What did you say?Mio:  Aki, calm down!%001:  They're going at it again.And that was how our night ended.;CS506.OVL