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CT06A0I'm on the rock where Aki is.Aki:  Oh, hi, %001.jIt's a river overflowing with fish.......I think.The rain yesterday has filled the river up with water.%001:  I wonder what kind of fish are in this river?%001:  Flounder and red snapper?Aki:  %001, are you stupid or something?%001:  I was only kidding.I don't want to get too close to it.The reason for that is...I can't swim.The weather's fine, and the sky is blue.%001:  Why are you wearing a bathing suit?Aki:  Well, I thought I'd go swimming, since we are here
and all.%001:  Isn't the water cold?Aki:  A little.%001:  Is that your P.E. uniform hanging up over there?Aki:  .......................%001:  I'll bet you really slipped on some moss, fell
into the river, and put on your bathing suit so no one
would know, right?      
CT06D   ;
CT06DA0Aki:  If you say anything about it I'll throw you into the
river.%001:  .....Sorry.Aki:  It's okay! I'm just glad I was able to use the
bathing suit I brought with me!Aki:  I'm so sick of this!I looked at her feet and saw her fishing pole, broken in
two.I head back to the fishing spot where Makoto is.CS507_1.OVL