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 $~ИФм╕╞╨&.4<$%@Z`  FZ  Lhm  Q  LOOKTALKASKGO BACKRURI RIVERGODFAMILYGO BACK@Zоэ@`:К┘FZ/зЪ°Ё^ё┴Lhы]      к      Lm
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<%001:  She's supposed to be over here...%001:  .....There she is!    
CT05A0She looking down the cliff, looking at the water. Just
like that day by the river.ЯЯShe's leaning up against the fence, staring at the water..................................It's like time has stopped for her...Standing next to Ruri, I can see the river on the other
side of the cliff.It your usual, average river. It's full of water
from the rain yesterday.I'm tired of looking at the river.How can she just stare at it for hours and hours?%001:  Hey, Ruri.Ruri:  ............................%001:  What are you doing?Ruri:  .....Staring at the river.%001:  Do you like rivers?Ruri:  It's peaceful. Looking at it puts me at ease.%001:  I see.
Я%001:  ...................................Ruri:  ...................................Isn't there anything I can talk about with her?Hmm. What can we talk about? Ruri:  A river...is like a person..........Huh?Ruri:  A person's life is like the foam on a river's
surface. It flows, ever onward.Is she talking to herself? Or to me?................................Maybe she's talking about herself. She's changed schools
so many times, she must feel like foam on a river?%001:  All rivers are connected to the sea.%001:  It's a place where you can be at peace...where you 
can rest.Ruri:  Yes, I know.Ruri:  A place where I can rest.....forever.Ruri:  Where God is.%001:  ....................................%001:  Wait, Ruri! Don't do it!Ruri:  Don't do what?Oh. For a moment, I thought she was going to jump.%001:  .......................Ruri:  .......................I feel weird talking to her now....................That's normal for her, though.Ruri:  Did you want me for anything?%001:  No, not really.Ruri:  Then why did you come up here?%001:  There was no particular reason. Do you want me to leave?Ruri:  .....You have other places to go.%001:  It's really nice out.Ruri:  Yes.%001:  Ruri, do you believe in God?Ruri:  I do. What about you?%001:  I'm not sure. I'm not into religion.%001:  Maybe you should talk with Seia.Ruri:  ........................%001:  .....Why do you believe in God?Ruri:  Why don't you?%001:  ................................%001:  What does your family do, anyway?Ruri:  ................................%001:  My family runs an electronics store.%001:  It's really nothing, of course.Ruri:  We don't do anything.%001:  Do you mean, your father doesn't work?Ruri:  That's right.%001:  ....Really? That's interesting.Ruri:  You think so?%001:  So why did you transfer to our school?%001:  I mean, I heard you came to our school for 'family'
reasons, but I never knew what that meant...      
CT05D     ;
CT05DA0Ruri:  ...........................%001:  Ruri?Ruri:  ..........................I guess I asked something too private.I wonder if she's mad at me now.I shouldn't have been so inconsiderate.I guess I shouldn't bother her anymore.I get up to leave.%001:  Well, guess I'll head back.Ruri:  .................................ЯCS509.OVL.....I shouldn't have asked her such a private question.I get ready to go back.%001:  ....I'm sorry.Ruri:  ..............................%001:  I mean, sorry for bothering you. I'll go back now.Ruri:  ..............................<CS509_E.OVL