
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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;Later that evening...We finished eating dinner a little early, and started building 
the campfire.%001:  Put this log over here....        
CT01KA0Reiko:  Hey, %001.%001:  Reiko. Watch it!Reiko:  That's pretty hard work.%001:  Yes, it is. Hey! Careful with that!Reiko:  %001, why don't we have a campfire dance tonight?%001:  Put that one down there! What? Did you say something?Reiko:  Um, yeah, I was thinking....%001:  Okay, good! ...Huh? What? 
CT01V   ;
CT01VA0Reiko:  ...............You look busy. I'll talk to you later.
<%001:  ???     
#CT02KA0Kiyomi:  %001.%001:  Oh, Kiyomi.Kiyomi:  I have to talk to you. Do you have a minute?%001:  Careful! ...Huh? What?Kiyomi:  I said, I have to talk....%001:  Okay, bring that one over here. ...Eh? What did you say?Kiyomi:  .................. I'll come back later.
<%001:  ???     
CT03KA0Mio:  %001!%001:  Hi, Mio.Mio:  Um, %001?%001:  Okay, bring those over here! ...Hm? What?

CT03F   <
CT03A0Mio:  Um...%001:  Okay, pick it up! ...Yes, Mio?Mio:  ............%001!


CT06D   <
CT06DA0Aki:  Excuse me, Mio.Mio:  Oh, Aki.....Aki:  Why are you just standing here? You have to help, too!Mio:  Huh?
<...Aki grabbed Mio's sleeve and pulled her away.%001:  ..........I wonder what Mio wanted to talk to me about?%001:  All right. When we put this one on top, it'll be done.       
%CT04KA0Shoko:  Shu-kun!%001:  (Uh-oh!)Shoko:  Do you want to dance, Shu-kun?%001:  ............Okay, move that one, next!Shoko:  C'mon, don't be shy!%001:  .....W...Wait!Shoko:  Let's dance!%001:  I have stuff to do here!Shoko:  Oh, come on. You can dance with me!%001:  Aaaaaagh! Get her off me!

CT08D   <
CT08DA0Meimi:  Hi, %001! I was thinking...%001:  Oh, Meimi! Help me!Shoko:  What? What are you.... Shu-kun and I are going
steady, so butt out, please.Meimi:  .....Wha...%001:  We're going steady? Since when?Meimi:  Anyway, stop bothering %001!Shoko:  Oh? Who said anything about bothering anybody?%001:  Well, just before you said...Meimi:  Anyway, leave %001 alone.%001:  Oh boy....      
%CT04D   ;
%CT04DA0Shoko:  What did you say to me?! Are you trying to break
us up or something?Meimi:  I don't know what you're talking about!

CT07F   <
CT07A0Seia:  What's wrong, Meimi?Meimi:  Oh, Seia! Listen to what that Shoko bitch just
%CT04K   ;
%CT04KA0Shoko:  I haven't done anything.Meimi:  You were bugging %001, weren't you?!Suddenly, I had had enough.I put the last log on and got the hell out of there..................................................Shoko:  That's not what happened! Is it, Shu-kun? Huh?Meimi:  %001?Seia:  Where did he go?    
%CT04D   ;
%CT04DA0Shoko:  ......Well, it sure looks like you two managed to 
scare him off!Meimi:  What did you say?  
CT07V   ;
CT07VA0Seia:  Meimi, calm down....<CS514_E.OVL