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CKWc$(4;  .  LOOKSWIMBEACHAROUND(4H(;╘/╔.  5 i
CT01A0%001:  Reiko, don't let go of my hand!Reiko:  It's shallow here. You can stand up, look.%001:  But what if a huge wave suddenly comes?Reiko:  If that happens, I'll save you.Mio, Meimi and Seia are playing volleyball on the beach.%001:  Reiko, don't you want to go play volleyball?Reiko:  Don't be such a baby!

#CT14M   <
#CT14A0Makoto:  Yo, %001.%001:  Hm?Makoto:  Have you learned to swim at all yet?Reiko:  We still haven't started. %001 just keeps trying
to get out of it.Makoto:  Don't let him run away, Reiko.Makoto:  Good luck, %001.     
CT01A0Makoto went off towards the beach.

#CT04K   <
#CT04KA0Shoko:  Hi, %001!

CT01D     <
CT01DA0%001:  Aack!Suddenly Shoko appeared in a splash of water, and grabbed
me in a hug!Shoko:  Hey, %001, let's go rub suntan lotion on each other!%001:  Um, Shoko, everybody's looking!Shoko:  Isn't that okay? I mean, it's not like I'm a
stranger or anything, you know.Reiko:  Would you stop being an idiot and just leave?Shoko:  Who are you, anyway?Reiko:  .........?Shoko:  I'm just kidding! Don't be so serious all the time!Reiko:  Can't you see that no one wants you around here?        
#CT04D   ;
#CT04DA0Shoko:  Well!

#CT04M   <
#CT04A0Shoko:  Oh, right, Reiko, you're a super-fast swimmer,
right? Must be because there's so little resistance in
the water, right?Shoko:  You know, because your chest is so flat?Reiko:  What did you say...!?%001:  Oh man...

CT01M     <
CT01A0Reiko:  Shoko, your padding is slipping.Shoko:  No way!?Shoko is really pissed now.Reiko:  Just kidding.

#CT04D   <
#CT04DA0Shoko:  You're so mean, Reiko!Reiko:  I just did the sort of thing you would do!Shoko:  Well, I'll let you win today!Shoko:  But I'll get you back......Shoko went slinking back towards the sea.     
CT01A0Suddenly I notice Ruri taking a swim.Ruri's alone, again.Reiko:  Hey, are you going to try this, or not?Reiko:  Okay, first, let's get used to the water.Reiko:  Take a breath, put your face in the water and
count to ten.%001:  ....Breathe...I took in as much air as I could, and put my face in the
water.(1...2...3...456789 Phew!)%001:  *GASP*Reiko:  You really have to count to ten.%001:  I did.Reiko:  Next, we practice breathing out underwater.Reiko:  Put your face in the water, and breathe out gently.%001:  ...Breathe...I took in as much air as I could, and put my face in the
water....Blub...blublublub...%001:  *BLUB*Reiko:  Good job.Reiko:  Okay, now we practice floating.%001:  Something so advanced already?!        
CT01V     ;
CT01VA0Reiko:  Trust me, you'll be fine.        
CT01A0Reiko:  See? the human body can float. I'm sure you
learned how in elementary school.%001:  I guess...Reiko:  It's harder to sink than it is to float, you know.Reiko:  Relax all your muscles and stretch out your arms
and legs. You can hold your breath if you like.%001:  Reiko, don't let go of my hand.Reiko:  No, I have to. Don't worry, your body will
remember to float.Reiko:  The water only comes up to our waists here, so
you couldn't drown if you tried.Reiko:  All right!(I will float... I will float...)I kept repeating this to myself as I put my whole body in
the water.(I will float... I will float...)With my eyes closed tight, I stretch out my arms and legs.(I'm floating...)I felt a wave move my body up and down.%001:  ...........!!*ROAR*%001:  !!Just as I go to take a breath, a wave comes over and I
swallow a load of salt water.....I can't breathe!%001:  Gulp! Hack! Glug!       
CT01I     ;
CT01IA0Reiko:  Relax, %001! It's shallow here!Reiko was saying something, but in my panic I didn't
understand!%001:  Help! I'm drowning! I'm drowning!.....Then I really lost it.Then, I started pulling, with all my strength, whatever
was closest to my hand.*Gag!*CS604.OVL