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AKS_$(4;  .  LOOKTALKBEACHDEAN(4╤е(;╨.  +┴╒
(CT02A0%001:  I'm starving.Kiyomi:  I'm really hungry too.Kiyomi:  Look, %001, there are Reiko and Mio.Mio:  %001!Mio waved at us frantically.We turned to face where Mio and Reiko were.     


CT01A0Everybody was flocking back to the lodge.Right behind me was none other than the dean himself.He always just pops out of nowhere.Mio:  So where did you two go?%001:  We went over to that little island.Kiyomi:  How did the swimming lessons go?Reiko:  Well, she's mastered her breathing.Mio:  I'd always just swallow water before, but thanks
to Reiko, I can swim properly now!Reiko:  There's definitely a big difference between %001
and Mio. Mio, want to try out for the swim team?Mio:  Well, I'm kind of married to tennis...Kiyomi:  It seems really strange that on our camping
trip, and now this one, we've had nothing but free time.%001:  Yeah, you'd think that there would be a swimming
meet that everybody had to be in or something.

CT13F   <
CT13A0Dean:  What a fine idea!Mio:  Ack! The dean!Reiko:  When did he...?Dean:  Well, I certainly didn't expect a non-swimmer
like you to suggest something like that, %001.%001:  Well, I also didn't think you were anywhere close
by!%001:  How is it that you know I can't swim?Dean:  Me? Oh, I have my ways...Reiko:  Wow, you sure look sharp again today, sir!      
CT13K   ;
CT13KA0Dean:  Well, yes, I had this suit specially made for
this trip.%001:  ...Why are you wearing it here?Dean:  Well, as you all know, at this university we value
the independence of our students.The dean stood up and began addressing all the
students around us.Dean:  All right. Tomorrow there will be a distance
competition. Those who can't swim can use lifesavers,
and the faculty will also participate.Dean:  The distance will be from the beach to the
island and back.Dean:  The first twenty back will get an extra week of
summer vacation!All:  Oooooh!Dean:  However! There will be a secret punishment
awaiting those who can't finish!Dean:  May the best swimmer win!
<The dean walked impressively into the lodge.So it looked like we would all have to be in the
swimming competition on the third day of seaside camp.%001:  But I really wonder how he knew I can't swim.     
CT01V   ;
CT01VA0Reiko:  Ohohoho...%001:  ???