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.8D"  (  LOOKTALK"  ╩q(  ╘¤

AB_17_1.....So the day of the hastily-arranged swim competition
CT08A0Makoto:  I can't believe you suggested something like a
swimming competition to the dean!%001:  Do you really think I wanted this to happen?Reiko:  Well, yeah. But nevertheless the prize is an
extra week of summer vacation!

(CT14M   <
(CT14A0Makoto:  Well, sure, since you'll come in first anyway.Meimi:  The first twenty, that's pretty tight.%001:  I wonder what the punishment is.Makoto:  Maybe a kiss from the dean...    
CT08I   ;
CT08IA0Meimi:  Yecccchhh...%001:  Probably be easier just to lay down and die.        
CT01D   ;
CT01DA0Reiko:  No, %001! Life must be a struggle!.......What's up with Reiko...?        
CT12A0Kyoko:  Okay, attention, everybody!%001:  I guess this is it...Kyoko:  The swimming competition announced yesterday
will be cancelled.Reiko:  Why?!Kyoko:  Well, that silly dean got really drunk last
night and went for a swim, but he never came back.%001:  But......that's terrible!       
CT12K   ;
CT12KA0Kyoko:  Oh, it's nothing to worry about.Kyoko:  However, don't try to go near the little island
today.Makoto:  Why not?Kyoko:  Because.Makoto:  So, you're saying that the dean is over
there.Meimi:  You got him drunk, brought him to the island and 
left him there.%001:  The professors didn't want to participate in the
competition, huh?Reiko:  I guess you professors are kind of old for that...Kyoko:  Be quiet, over there!%001:  All right.Kyoko:  Anyway, there's no swim competition. So, as you
were, do as you please today.%001:  That's good news.Everyone was relieved to have the swimming competition
cancelled.Of course I was happy about it.     
CT08KA0Meimi:  Well, I'm going swimming.Makoto:  Hey, what happened to your other half?Meimi:  ...You mean Seia?Makoto:  Who else?    
(CT14D   ;
(CT14DA0Meimi:  She's just like %001. Seia can't swim.%001:  So, Seia can't swim either?Meimi:  She's taken all kinds of classes, but she just can't
get the hang of it.       
(CT14K   ;
(CT14KA0Makoto:  Well, some people just aren't cut out for sports.        
CT08D   ;
CT08DA0Meimi:  What did you say...?Makoto:  Oh....OUCH!       
CT01A0The two of them went running towards the ocean and
plunged into the water.%001:  .....Well, they're full of energy.Reiko:  %001, we should probably try some swimming today.

CT07I   <
CT07IA0Seia:  Reiko!Seia suddenly appeared.Reiko:  W- What's up?Seia:  Please teach me how to swim!Reiko:  But I...%001:  So you can't swim either, Seia?Seia:  That's right.Seia:  Meimi's been teaching me, but I haven't gotten
any better. I don't want to keep bothering Meimi.%001:  Well, Reiko, why don't you teach Seia? I'm sure
she has more talent than I do.Seia:  Please, won't you teach me?Reiko:  ......Okay, okay.%001:  Well, I'm going to go get some sunbathing in over
there.<I waved to them and walked along the water.       
CT03A0Mio:  %001!%001:  Oh, Mio.After a bit, I ran into Mio.Mio:  %001....do you want to go looking for clams?%001:  Sure. I happen to have some free time right now. 
CT03K   ;
CT03KA0Mio:  Great!Mio:  Let's go!Mio grabbed my arm and dragged me with her.=CS611.OVL