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F.дк@?зФMA┴J  ╦Z  ∙%   
CT07A0%001:  Yo, what are you up to?Seia:  Kyaa!! .....%001?%001:  Yeah.Seia:  Please don't do that again!%001:  Sorry, sorry.оккShe always projects serenity, but when I look at her under
the moonlight...She looks really grown-up. Even with that baby face.The ocean at night...so cold and scary. It looks like
it could suck me in...........................Well, since I can't swim, it only makes sense that I'm
afraid.The beach was brilliant, beautiful in the soft light.Yeah, the moon sure beats the ocean.%001:  What are you doing there all by yourself?Seia:  I... I just wanted to feel the evening air.Seia:  And you, %001?%001:  Me?%001:  I was just restless.Seia:  ..........%001:  By the way, I wanted to ask you something.Seia:  Me?%001:  Yeah. Reiko taught you how to swim today, right?Seia:  Yes. Reiko is a really good teacher.%001:  ...So, did you learn how to swim?Seia:  Well, yes.... But I can still only go so far.%001:  ................Oh, I see.%001:  I feel left out. Everyone can swim but me.Seia:  There, there, don't cry.%001:  You're not making fun of me, are you?Seia:  No, of course not.Seia:  ............%001?%001:  What?Seia:  .....(Looking around)%001:  What's up? Why are you looking around like that?Seia:  ................Um...
It's kind of difficult to ask you this, but...%001:  Yes?%001:  What, Seia? What are you trying to ask me?Seia:  ..............Seia:  Do you remember the flower-viewing party we all
had back in April?%001:  Flower-viewing party...?%001:  Oh, you mean when you got drunk and ran head-on
into that cherry tree?Seia:  Yes...Seia:  To tell the truth, I don't remember it at all. I
actually heard about what I'd done later from Meimi.Seia:  Anyway... Seia:  When I woke up in the morning...%001:  ...................I think I already know what she wants to tell me...................Knowing is fine, but what should I say?%001:  Well...%001:  I just wanted to make sure you knew that all I did 
was carry you into the room and put a blanket over you.Seia:  .............%001:  It's true. But you got up suddenly, wearing nothing
but a pair of underpants...       
CT07D   ;
CT07DA0Seia:  You saw, didn't you?%001:  ........Uh, no! Well, actually, what I mean is...!Seia:  ................Well I'm sure you didn't try to see.%001:  That's right.кккSeia:  .................%001:  .................Seia:  .................%001:  .................    
CT07K   ;
CT07KA0Seia:  Well.%001:  Seia?Seia:  It's alright. I know you're not the kind of person
who would take advantage of a situation like that.%001:  Yeah.Seia:  I just wanted to know the truth. You spoke well. I'm
sure God will forgive you too.%001:  Yeah.%001:  I feel like I'm in a confessional or something.   
CT07A0Seia:  The real confessional is a little different.Seia:  It's a place where you voluntarily confess your
mistakes and repent your sins.Seia:  And everyone makes mistakes sometimes. The important
thing is to feel sorry for your sins, and try not to make
the same mistakes again.Seia:  That's why I confess to God. Because humans, in the
end, can't really keep promises to themselves.%001:  ...........Seia:  What's wrong? You have a strange expression on your
face...%001:  No, nothing. So you want to be a nun someday, Seia?   Seia:  Yes. I thought I would take the vows after graduating
from college.%001:  Really......So, why do you want to become a nun?Seia:  Are you asking my motive?Seia:  Well, if I had to say, probably because of the church
near where I lived.%001:  Oh.
Seia:  My family has been Catholic for years. Ever since
I was little, we all went to church every Sunday.%001:  That's very dedicated of you.Seia:  ........................Seia:  This is just between you and me, but at the
beginning I didn't really mean it when I prayed.%001:  Eh?Seia:  A great sister there told me stories about how fun
it was just to talk with the other nuns.%001:  Really?Seia:  She was really a wonderful person, almost like
a messenger sent by Mary, filled with love and insight into
my spirtuality.%001:  You wanted to be like her, then.Seia:  Yes, she's gone back to England now, but I still
remember her very well.%001:  Well, hang in there, Seia. I don't know anything
about your friend, but knowing what you really want is
half the battle.Seia:  Yes, I think so too.Seia:  But %001. There's something I've been wanting to
ask you, too.%001:  What?Seia:  Why do you never put all those abilities of yours
to some use?%001:  ......................................
%001:  Maybe because I don't know what to do with them.Seia:  What do you mean by that?%001:  I guess I haven't found anything I want to use them
for.Seia:  I think I know what you mean.%001:  ..........................You do?%001:  Do you really understand, you're not just saying
that?Seia:  Yes. A long time ago, I heard this story from a nun.Seia:  Once upon a time, there was a kind man as big as
a mountain. He was a very kind man, but the people in the 
village nearby feared and hated him.%001:  Why? He was kind, right?Seia:  Well, because he was so big, he stepped on a house
by mistake and crushed it.%001:  Oh.Seia:  Because he didn't want to trouble the village
folk, he went and lived quietly all by himself on a
mountain nearby.Seia:  Then one day came a terrible storm, and the river
flooded. The village folk were nearly swallowed up by the
water.%001:  Mmmm.Seia:  When he saw this, he ripped up trees and used
them to dam up the river. And saved all the village folk.Seia:  The people, who had changed their minds about the
man, invited him to come live in the village.Seia:  But the man declined with a smile, and started heading
back toward the mountain.Seia:  Right then, a little child came forward and spoke
to the man.Seia:  'Sir, won't you fix the river?' she said.Seia:  The man agreed to do it, and the village people
were overjoyed that he would work for them.Seia:  So the man lived the rest of his life as a
member of the village, and his children carried on the
family trade.Seia:  Apparently a part of that family perfected the 
trade and eventually became the Vikings, according to
legend.%001:  But isn't the whole story a legend?Seia:  Probably. But I think there's a lesson to the story, 
even if it isn't true.%001:  I guess so.Seia:  It was you who made me remember the story. You're
a little bit like that giant.%001:  ................................Seia:  The man in the story also just kept to himself,
not to hurt anyone, until he finally found a job that
he could do.%001:  ...........................Seia:  If that storm hadn't come, what would that man
have done then?%001:  .............................Seia:  You're a very honest person, %001. And a very kind
one, too.%001:  Me? No, I'm not, I...Seia:  But no matter how good you are, you can always hurt
someone, even without meaning to.%001:  .............................Seia:  You can't possibly live without hurting and being
hurt. That's why people need to look for salvation.%001:  ..................................Seia:  I don't have the power to read minds. But I'm
pretty good at listening to others. Like right now.%001:  Seia...Seia:  If...If you would like to talk to me, %001, it's
alright with me.%001:  Thanks, Seia.Seia:  Sure.%001:  ............................Seia:  ............................%001:  But I'm pretty talked out. We should probably get
some sleep.Seia:  Alright.We started heading back to the lodge.        
CT13A0*SLURP*Seia:  Look!Dean:  ...Finally...got back...Seia:  Eh?!%001:  It's the dean!What appeared out of the dark sea was none other than
the school dean.Dean:  Oh, it's you, %001.%001:  W- What are you doing out here?!Dean:  You know, I don't really know.%001:  Huh?Dean:  I passed out...Dean:  And then when I woke up and looked around,
I was on this island that I've never seen.%001:  Wow, that's really too bad...Whew... knowing the truth sure is tough...Dean:  I don't think I'll be drinking with Kyoko-
sensei anymore...%001:  Yes, that's definitely a good idea!Dean:  Hm? What do you mean?%001:  Eh? Oh, ah...Oh no...looks like I let the cat slip out of the bag...Dean:  ...I see.Has the dean figured out Kyoko-sensei's plot?!I am such an idiot! I mean, it doesn't matter if the
dean gets mad at Kyoko-sensei, but I'm sure I'll be
the one who will really have to pay!Dean:  %001, you're in 1-A, right?%001:  Y-Yes.Dean:  So I'm sure you're very familiar with how scary
Kyoko-sensei can be.%001:  Huh?Dean:  It's okay, you don't need to hide it.Dean:  It's all right, I'm sure you have suffered at
her hands too. %001, why don't you join the 'Action Hero
Club'? I'm in charge of the club, you know.%001:  Huh? But I...Dean:  You don't have to answer right away. It's
getting late. I guess I'll head on back.%001:  Okay.Seia:  .............................Dean:  Well, %001, Seia, take care! %001, I'll be
expecting your answer! Hahahahaha!.........................................Well, uh...And so seaside camp ended, with this truly bizarre encounter
forever imprinted on my mind.=CS701.OVL%001:  Did...did something happen after I went back to
the others?Seia:  Huh?%001:  Well, after I put you down on the bed, I went
back to where the party was.Seia:  ..............I see.%001:  Did anything happen?Seia:  Oh! N-No, nothing. Nevermind.%001:  Oh.Seia:  ..................%001:  ......................Seia:  Well, I suppose I'll be getting off to bed then.%001:  Okay. I guess I will too.Seia:  Well, good night.%001:  Yeah, good night.<..........................And that was the end of summer.All kinds of memories...............................
<*SQUELCH*???:  .........................*SQUELCH*???:  ......................*SPLASH*     
CT13A0Dean:  ................Dean:  ...Finally...got back...Dean:  The last thing I remember, I was drinking...Dean:  And then when I woke up and looked around,
I was on this island.Dean:  I don't think I'll be drinking with Kyoko-
sensei anymore...=CS701.OVL