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AB_36_1%001:  ....*sniff*....*sniff*....%001:  *ACHOO!!*      
CT02A0Kiyomi:  ................It's September.Seaside camp was over, and school had started again....But.%001:  *ACHOO!!*Kiyomi:  %001, are you alright?Just like last year...I always seem to catch a summer cold about now.Kiyomi:  Here's a tissue.%001:  ...Ugh, ugh, thangks.    
#CT01A0Mio:  %001! Hi!Reiko:  Hi, %001, how are you?%001:  Oh, Reiko, Mio... *KATCHOO*Reiko:  .....Not too well, I take it.Mio:  %001, are you okay?%001:  Ah, ah, ah...CHOO!Reiko:  ...............................
defghijklmHis best friend has a terrible cold, and he's just
smirking about it.Some friend!What does he think I am, anyway?Reiko's the same as usual.She looks a little worried.She's always so nice to me.As always, full of energy.Always a little bit spiteful.She's studying.     
CT14A0Makoto:  Do you really have a cold?%001:  Well, yes, I'm only human. Even I catch cold every
now and then.Makoto:  Well, since you're showing all the symptoms, I
guess I have to believe you. Even though it seems impossible.%001:  What do you think I am anyway?Makoto:  You really want to know?%001:  .......................%001:  No, it's okay.    
CT14A0Makoto:  No offense, but don't give that cold to me, okay?
It looks bad.%001:  What's that supposed to mean?Makoto:  You really want to know?%001:  ........................%001:  Since it's probably stupid anyway, never mind.Makoto:  What, don't you get it?%001:  ................................e6Й   
#CT01A0Reiko:  Do you have a cold, %001?%001:  Well, it's not tuberculosis.Reiko:  ..........................  
#CT01A0Reiko:  I suppose not.Reiko:  By the way, %001, are you free three days from now?%001:  Sure, I think so. Why?Reiko:  Would you come to my house? It's for my birthday
party.%001:  Oh, really?Reiko:  Can you make it?%001:  Sure, that would be great.      
#CT01K   ;
#CT01KA0Reiko:  Thanks. I'm glad.

CT02S   <
CT02A0Kiyomi:  Is that right? It's your birthday in three
days? I was wondering if I may attend as well.

CT03S   <
CT03A0Mio:  Me too! Please, Reiko? Can I come too?Reiko:  Of course. I was going to invite you, too.  
CT07A0Meimi:  May I come too?Seia:  If it's all right with you, I would like to come
as well.        
CT14A0Makoto:  Reiko, you're not going to leave me out, are 
you?Reiko:  ...Of course, everyone's invited. You are too,
Makoto. Thanks, everybody. I'm glad you can come.Makoto:  Oh, think nothing of it. Hahahaha...    
#CT01A0Reiko:  Are you okay, %001?%001:  Sure, why do you ask? *ATCHOO*Reiko:  ......................f6Й    
CT02A0Kiyomi:  %001, are you all right?%001:  Sure, why do you ask? *HATCHOO*Kiyomi:  .........................       
CT02A0Kiyomi:  %001, did you catch a cold?%001:  Yeah, looks like it.Kiyomi:  ........................g6Й   
CT03A0Mio:  %001, are you all right?%001:  Sure, why do you ask? *HATCHOO!*Mio:  .......
CT03A0Mio:  %001, are you really okay?%001:  Yeah, I'm not going to die or anything.Mio:  But...%001:  I'm fine.Mio:  .........................h6Й        
CT08A0Meimi:  So, even the mighty %001 catches a cold sometimes.%001:  What do you mean by that?Meimi:  Just what I said.%001:  Well, I don't want to hear it from you, all right?. 
CT08D   ;
CT08DA0Meimi:  Hey!     
CT08DA0Meimi:  Just watch it, Yamagami.Makoto:  What a rude person.Meimi:  Did you say something?Makoto:  Who me? Nothing, nothing at all.i6Й      
CT07A0Seia:  Are you sick?%001:  Yeah, I guess so.Seia:  Lord, please help this sick sheep.%001:  ..................................%001:  Why is it that I feel like you're making fun of me?Seia:  I am most certainly not.       
CT07A0Seia:  Anyway, get well soon. It would be bad if they had
to quarantine our class.%001:  .............................%001:  I think it's a hundred times more likely that the
class gets quarantined for having a hangover.Seia:  You don't seem to believe me.%001:  Not in the least.j6Й  efghij
#CT01A0Reiko:  Oh, %001...*DING DONG DING DONG*!%001:  Oh, there's the bell.Reiko:  Well, see you later, %001!Mio:  %001, I'll see you again tomorrow, okay?%001:  Okay. *KATCHOO*2