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<AE_024Kyoko:  .....So you see, A is always inversely related
to B. Understand?Kyoko:  And now the next equation..... %001, come and try
this one, will you?%001:  ............................Kiyomi:  %001! The professor's calling on you!%001:  .........................Huh? What?Kiyomi:  Sensei says she wants you to solve the problem
on the blackboard!%001:  ...................Oh, right......Eh?My eyes...2*CRASH*Kiyomi:  %001!............Kyoko:  Sorry, Kiyomi, Meimi, but would you take me to
the nurse's office?Kiyomi:  Of course.Meimi:  You should have gone there two hours ago!......................School nurse:  ...Okay, here, give him this. I have some
other things to take care of.Kiyomi:  We understand. Thank you.School nurse:  No problem. Well, take care.Meimi:  .....................Meimi:  You think it's okay if we give it to him?Kiyomi:  Yes, it says to take it after lunch.Meimi:  Okay. Hey, wake up, %001. It's time for your
;%001:  ............%001:  Medicine?Meimi:  Right. If you take this, you'll get better in no time!Kiyomi:  Well, we don't really know if he'll get better
right away.Meimi:  ...Oh, details! Okay, %001...%001:  ...................%001:  ...I guess that's medicine?   
CT02K   ;
CT02KA0Kiyomi:  There's some powder, and a pill.%001:  ..................%001:  NO!!!!!!!!!   
CT08D   ;
CT02I   ;
CT02IA0Meimi:  Hey, %001?!
Kiyomi:  %001?%001:  I hate medicine! I'm leaving!
;AE_029Meimi:  Hey, wait!Kiyomi:  %001! What do you think you're doing?!Kiyomi:  %001! Calm down!%001:  I hate this! I hate medicine!Kiyomi:  %001, How are you feeling?%001:  Horrible.Meimi:  Come on! Stop making a fuss!%001:  I hate it! I hate medicine! It's bitter!Meimi:  Stop being such a child! Grow up, will you?%001:  I hate it! I won't take it!Meimi:  If you don't take it, you won't get better!%001:  I don't care!Meimi:  Don't be stupid!Meimi:  Okay, we're not getting anywhere! Kiyomi! Hold
him down!Kiyomi:  O- Okay!%001:  Hey! Let go!Meimi:  Kiyomi! Medicine!Kiyomi:  O- Okay!Meimi:  There!GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG %001:  !!!!Meimi:  And there!GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG %001:  &@#$*!!Meimi:  Now you'll take the last one like a good boy!*SLAP*
*GULP*Meimi:  .....There we go!%001:  ...............Kiyomi:  %001, are you all right?%001:  .......I.. don't......think....so....%001:  ...Meimi...You...Meimi:  Oh, what? You gave me no choice.%001:  You could have killed me...!Meimi:  Oh, shush. The patient must sleep!2Suddenly something cool and pleasant smothered my face,
and pushed me down on the pillow.Kiyomi:  That's good. Now that you took the medicine,
you'll be able to fall asleep and get well.I felt something warm (probably a blanket) cover my body.That was probably Kiyomi.%001:  ..........................%001:  I'll behave, Kiyomi. I'll take a nap.Kiyomi:  Good. That's the best thing.Kiyomi:  All right then, we'll be going back to class.
Take care.Meimi:  Have a good rest.%001:  Alright.Patterpatterpatter..........%001:  Well, I guess they left.%001:  ......................%001:  No matter what she says, even Meimi's worrying
about me a bit too.%001:  ....................Time to sleep.CS705.OVL