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<%001:  ...............%001:  What time is it...?%001:  ...................%001:  Twelve o'clock?!%001:  Man, what the hell? I better get to school fast!  
CT10A0Hidemi:  Oh Shu-chan, are you awake?%001:  M- Mom...!...Oh shit...Hidemi:  Shu-chan, how do you feel?%001:  Marvelous! Great! Fantastic!Hidemi:  Really? Then why is your face still all red?%001:  It isn't! It can't be!!%001:  Anyway, I have to put on some clothes and go out!Hidemi:  Oh, and where are you going?%001:  School, obviously.Hidemi:  But I already called the school and told them you
were home sick with a cold today.%001:  But I'd rather go to school.Hidemi:  But my little Shu-chan has a cold.%001:  I'm completely well again.Hidemi:  Really?%001:  Of course.Hidemi:  Well, here, let me take your temperature. If you
don't have a fever, then you can go to school.%001:  I'm fine. I don't have a fever, okay?Hidemi:  Well, just let me check for you.%001:  No!Hidemi:  Well, then you can't go to school.%001:  You'd think I was still a little kid.Hidemi:  Shu-chan, why won't you let me take your temperature?
Probably because you know you're not well yet?%001:  N- No, that's not it.Hidemi:  Then let me check it.%001:  ............................Oh no, I'm doomed...What to do...She reached out for me and put me in a headlock, feeling
my forehead.Hidemi:  Hmmm, Shu-chan, you sure do have a fever, don't
you?Hidemi:  Shu-ooooo.%001:  M-Mom, really...!Hidemi:  Hidemi's so happy!
2Pitterpatterpatter%001:  Hey! Mom, wait!%001:  ..........%001:  She's gone.It happened last summer...I had caught a bit of a summer cold. It was no big deal,
the kind of thing that you could sleep off in two days
or so.But since it was a cold, I also got a fever.So she put me into an ice-cold bath.As for what happened as a result of that... Well, I'll
leave it to your imagination.Then, that night...I wasn't supposed to get cold, so Mom piled five blankets
on top of me and turned the furnace up.Thanks to that, I actually got heatstroke.And what's more, she kept stuffing morsels of food into
me, so my stomach got upset too...............................When I think back on that, it's amazing I'm still alive.I just can't believe it when she says she went to nursing
school.....................................Oh right, but they didn't let her graduate....But she still hasn't really given up on it...I don't mind her dreaming about being an angel in white,
just as long as I'm not her victim..............................What am I doing here, daydreaming, when I'm about to be
sacrificed by my mother!%001:  Okay, I have to get out of here fast!I started to get dressed at top speed.%001:  .....What?*CREAK* *CREAK* *CREAK*%001:  Shit! C'mon, body, listen to me!%001:  Must...get...dressed!*CREAK* *CREAK* *CREAK*%001:  Dammit... Why does the closet have to be so far
away?!%001:  Move, body!*CREAK* *CREAK* *CREAK* %001:  Ooooooh...   
CT10A0Hidemi:  ...Shu-chan!%001:  ...........%001:  M- Mom............It's all over....Dad.....Mom.....Forgive me for dying before you..............Well Dad, at least, I don't have to ask forgiveness from
Mom.Hidemi:  Sorry, Shu-chan. Your father has asked me to do
something for him, so I have to leave for a while.%001:  Huh?Hidemi:  So be good and go to sleep. Please?%001:  ..............%001:  I've been saved!Hidemi:  Bye!I stopped holding my breath, and lay spreadeagled on
the floor.CS707.OVL