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AB_36_3..............Three days later. We have to sign up for the
sport that we chose.
<AE_003Kyoko:  ........Is this everyone?Kyoko:  Um, let's see... Huh?Kyoko:  %001, aren't you overdoing it, participating in
this many events?%001:  ................................%001:  Probably.Kyoko:  Is that alright with you, %001?%001:  .......It'll be okay somehow.Kyoko:  You've volunteered to be in almost all the events,
you know.%001:  ..........I'll be okay.Kyoko:  Really?%001:  Yes, I think.Kyoko:  ..........Well, if you say so...  
CT02IA0Kiyomi:  ..................................Kiyomi:  Excuse me, %001?%001:  Yes?Kiyomi:  Is this really alright?%001:  ...I'll be okay.Kiyomi:  ...............................
<Then it was lunch time again.6щMakoto seems worried about me.That's not like him. But if he was really worried about
me, he should have stopped me three days ago.Reiko looks worried about me.Kiyomi looks worried about me.Maybe she feels responsible just a little?Although I'm really responsible for my own actions, not
her.Mio looks worried.Maybe she's feeling responsible?Although it's my own fault, for not choosing decisively.     
CT14A0Makoto:  Are you sure you can go through with this?%001:  With what?Makoto:  You might be able to do okay in the individual
sports. But the team sports, no way.%001:  ...Well, I guess.Makoto:  Especially soccer. Teamwork is really important.
You need to train with the team.%001:  ...Um, I guess. So what should I do?Makoto:  Train!%001:  Yeah, I guess...      
!CT02IA0Kiyomi:  .........................................Makoto:  You're not going to be able to read your
opponent's moves when the real thing starts, right?%001:  ........I guess not.Makoto:  So you've got to study up on them now, while
practicing!%001:  Sounds good to me.Makoto:  I know you can't just think about winning. But
you have to try...%001:  That's right.Makoto:  Do you have time to practice?%001:  .............................................%001:  I wasn't thinking about that.Makoto:  So what are you going to do?%001:  I don't know. I'll be okay.Makoto:  Really?%001:  I'll practice with different groups after schoolMakoto:  Are you going to be able to keep up that kind
of pace? Playing so many sports like that?%001:  Sure, I'll be alright.Makoto:  Okay, then.Kiyomi:  .....................................       
CT14A0Makoto:  You're sure you're okay?%001:  Yep, just fine.Kiyomi:  .....................................ii6Reiko:  So did you decide which sport you're going to
enter?%001:  Yes. All of these...Reiko:  .....................................Reiko:  Wait a minute. You're going to be in this many events?%001:  Apparently.Reiko:  Not 'apparently.' You're really going to do this?%001:  I guess so.Reiko:  .....................................Reiko:  You're sure you'll be okay?%001:  I think so.Reiko:  .....................................jj6Kiyomi:  %001...%001:  I'm fine, don't worry about a thing.Kiyomi:  .....................................kk6Mio:  So what sport are you going to be in?%001:  Right here.Mio:  Oh! You're going to play tennis!%001:  Yep.Mio:  That's great. But what about all these others?%001:  I'll do my best.Mio:  ........%001...Mio:  ......%001.%001:  I'll be okay, don't worry about me.Mio:  ...........................................ll6%001:  ......Where's Meimi?Makoto:  She just disappeared with Seia.%001:  I see.       She's not here. There's no particular reason to talk to
her, anyway.m6%001:  Where's Seia?Makoto:  She just disappeared with Meimi.%001:  I see.
She's not here. There's no particular reason to talk to
her, anyway.nn6I'm going to be in ninety percent of the events. That's harsh.Well, I guess it'll be okay, somehow.oo6  ijklmno
 *DING DONG DING DONG*School's over.
<%001:  Guess I'll go home and get some sleep.      
CT02IA0Kiyomi:  Um, %001?%001:  Yes?Kiyomi:  Would you mind looking at this?%001:  Let's see...She hands me a thick book. '1001 Training Methods' is
written on the cover.%001:  What's this?Kiyomi:  It's your training schedule. You can use it for
a crash course in all the events you're participating in.%001:  Ah, thanks. That's really nice of you, Kiyomi.Kiyomi:  No, it's nothing, really.Makoto:  Let's go home, %001!%001:  Okay. See you later, Kiyomi!<Kiyomi:  ....Goodbye.Kiyomi:  ............................Kiyomi:  ........%001.CS801_2.OVL