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9AB_27_2My first day of practice.Volleyball player:  Okay, Yamagami! Try the spike!*SMACK*%001:  I've got it!*HIT*Volleyball player:  Good, you're doing great!Baseball player:  Yamagami, you're up!%001:  Okay, I'll do my best!................................
9AB_11_2Baseball player:  Okay, try this!*THROW*%001:  Wah!*SMACK*Baseball player:  Hey, Yamagami! Don't stop the ball with
your feet!%001:  How the hell else am I supposed to stop the ball?
I don't even have a glove!
9AB_14_2Soccer player:  Okay, come here, Yamagami!%001:  Yes, sir!...............................................Soccer player:  Okay, try this! Go!*KICK*%001:  Huh?*SMACK*Soccer player:  Whoops!...Hey, Yamagami. Do you hate me or
something?%001:  No. Why?Soccer player:  In that case, keep the ball on the ground.
Save those big kicks for the other side.%001:  Okay, sorry.Student:  Yamagami, it's your turn.%001:  ......Okay.
9..............................................%001:  .............*pant pant*This is harder than I thought it'd be. 
CT02IA0Reiko:  %001.She really looks worried about me.Do I look that bad?I'd better show her that I'm really alright.e6ИShe looks worried.Maybe because I'm not following the book she gave me?But I'm doing my best.I'd better show her that I'm really alright.f6ИShe looks worried.I can't show her how hard this practice is.I'd better show her that I'm really alright.g6И%001:  What's the matter, Reiko? *pant pant*Reiko:  I was a little worried about you, so I came. Are you
alright, %001?%001:  ...Sure, this is nothing. Not really...Reiko:  ............................................Reiko:  %001, this is really too hard for you.%001:  Really? I'm practicing as hard as I can...Kiyomi:  %001...Reiko:  I'm not worried about whether you're practicing or
not!h6ИKiyomi:  %001, are you alright?%001:  I'll be fine, don't worry.Kiyomi:  ............................................Kiyomi:  But you look like you're having a hard time
of it...%001:  I'm fine, don't worry.Kiyomi:  .......Really?%001:  Sure.Kiyomi:  ............................................i6ИMio:  %001, are you okay?%001:  Sure, no problem.Mio:  But it looks really hard, practicing like you're doing.%001:  It's really nothing, trust me. I'm just out of breath
because I haven't been exercising all that much these days.Mio:  %001...j6ИThis practice is really hard...But if I think that way, I won't want to continue. So
let's stop thinking.They're all worried about me.k6И  efghijk
 %001:  Anyway, how about your tennis practice? Are you
doing alright?Kiyomi:  Yes, I'm fine...%001:  That's good. I'll be here a while yet, so you go
on home without me.Mio:  Yes, but...%001:  Don't worry, I'll be fine. It's not very exciting
to watch someone else exercise, after all.Reiko:  Well, it's not fun, that's true...%001:  See? So go on home without me.< See you tomorrow!Reiko:  Wait a moment, %001. Opps, too late.Mio:  What can we do?Reiko:  .................................Reiko:  Let's go home. Kiyomi, will you check up on him
tomorrow?Kiyomi:  Sure. I want to make sure he's alright.Reiko:  Thanks. We can't be sure he's as okay as he sounds.<CS801_3.OVL